We're wandering down the street like any other couple, and I could walk with her like this forever. When a chilly wind blows by and she shivers, it gives me the perfect excuse to wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her closer to me.
My body ignites at the sensation of having her pressed against me, and it's all I can do to continue ambling along the sidewalk with the hard-on pressing against my boxers, trying to rip its way through my pants right here on the middle of the crowded street.
I don't plan it, but before I know it, we're slowing to a stop in front of my apartment.
“Do you want to come up?” I ask her, praying to God that she doesn't say no. Of course, I'll do whatever she wants. I'll take her back to her dorm if that’s what she really wants.
I don't know if I'm physically capable of letting her go now that I've gotten this close to her, but I'll damn sure try if that's what she wants. It might kill me, or she might wake up with me sleeping underneath her bed like a psycho.
Thankfully, she gives me a shy nod, and the pressure in my chest eases. My entire body is thrumming as I lead her up to my floor, and no sooner do I open the door and close it behind do I have her pressed against the wall.
To be honest, I'm not really sure which one of us made the first move. All I know is that we're a tangle of limbs, pressing into one another, kissing each other deeply.
My first taste of her is like I've taken a hit of heroin. I know that I'll be addicted from this moment on and that I'll have to have this to survive for the rest of my life.
I spear my fingers through her hair, and she does likewise to me as I press my hard cock against her through our clothes.
She whimpers into my mouth, a needy sound that drives me nearly insane. Jesus, just knowing that she wants me as badly as I want her is the biggest fucking turn-on of my life.
I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe I finally have the object of my obsession in my arms, rubbing her sweet pussy against me and mewling and whimpering into my kisses like a needy little kitten.
I must be insane because I grab her face and stop her kisses. She lets out a whine of protest, and her beautiful eyes flutter open. Her hazel orbs are clouded with lust, and that makes my heart trip in my chest.
“Zoe,” I croak out, “are you sure you want this?”
She blushes as she looks down and starts apologizing. “Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to maul you like that.”
I chuckle and tilt her chin back up so that I can meet her eyes again. “Don't be sorry because I’m pretty sure I’m the one who mauled you, sweetheart. Fuck, Zoe, I've never wanted anyone like I want you.”
Her lips curve into a little smile, and I want to spend every day of the rest of our lives making her smile like this.
“I just want to make sure you know what you're getting into,” I warn her. “I'm not one of those guys who goes halfway. When I go in, I go in hard. I don't think I'll be able to just be with you one time. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?”
I don't know if she really gets my complete meaning or not, but she bites her lip and flushes again as she tells me in a husky little voice, “Yes, Alex I want this. I wantyou.”
And just like that, all my dreams come true. Having Zoe tell me she wantsmesnaps my control, and I can’t hold back any longer.
Okay,I thought agreeing to stay and have coffee with a guy whose name I didn't even know was the craziest thing I've ever done, but it turns out it's not.
Agreeing to sleep with this same man who I just met is.
I've officially lost my marbles, but in this moment, I don't care. I meant what I said. I want Alex like I've never wanted any other man—so much so that I'm willing to give him my virginity.
That thought snaps me back to reality, and I put a hand on his chest, pausing him as he bends to kiss my lips again. “Wait, Alex. There's something you should know.”
His eyes reveal nothing as he looks down at me and waits patiently.
I swallow before I admit my truth. “I'm a virgin.” It’s an embarrassing thing to admit that I'm a nineteen-year-old virgin, but I feel like he has the right to know before we do this.
His eyes soften, and he cups my cheek, his thumb stroking tenderly over my jaw. “You will only ever be mine.” There’s a touch of wonder in his voice.
I stare up at him, a bit shocked that he's so happy to hear I'm a virgin. I thought guys wanted experienced women who knew what they were doing. “So, you're not disappointed?”
He gives me a radiant smile then, a lock of dark hair falling onto his forehead. “Disappointed that I'm going to be the only man ever inside you? Fuck no, baby. It’s like Christmas has come early and you've given me the only gift I've ever wanted.”