Page 94 of A Little Twist

“I didn’t think she should call me Mama Cass in front of Jessica.”

His eyes tighten, but he allows his daughter to pull me away. “We still need to talk.”

Nodding, I follow Pinky to the low chair Britt saved for me beside her. I take a seat, and my little friend climbs into my lap, turning to the side and snuggling under my chin.



As usual, Jessica is nowhere to be found when we get home from the movie.

I carry my sleeping daughter from her booster chair into the house and help her brush her teeth before carrying her to her bedroom. Her eyes are closed as I help her out of her clothes and into her nightgown.

“When is Mama Cass coming back?” She’s pouty, and I achingly agree.

“I’m not sure. I’m going to talk to her about it.”

Tonight. I intend to talk to her about it tonight.

“She sings all the songs with me. I want her to sing me a lullaby.”

“I know, Princess. Can you sleep now?”

Her eyes are closed, and her little chin nods slowly. I place my hand over her sweet face before kissing her head and leaving the room.

Jogging downstairs, I notice Jessica is in the kitchen, but I don’t stop.

“How was the movie?” She follows me into the living room, and I pause.

“It wasFinding Nemo, your daughter’s favorite.” I can’t keep the annoyance out of my tone. “I’ve seen it a hundred times.”

She nods, and her eyes drift away. “That makes sense. She likes fish, and you like fishing.”

“Actually, it made things really complicated. Pinky didn’t know fishing involves catching fish and eating them. It’s why Cass introduced her to Miss Piggy.”

“Right.” Jessica nods, exhaling a laugh. “Talk about backfires. Then she started karate-chopping everyone—Adam told me.”

“And Cass also helped her with that.” Irritation is clear in my tone. “She’s a preschooler. She doesn’t know everything.”

“Don’t tell her that!” Jessica’s eyebrows rise, and I’ve had enough.

“Did you need something?”

“No! I was just… making conversation.”

“I have to go out. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Jessica’s eyes fly wide, and she almost seems panicked. “What about Pinky?”

“She’s asleep. She should sleep all night, but if she wakes up, just read her a story and tuck her in again.”

Like a mother would do,I’m ready to say out loud, but I don’t have time for a fight.

She starts to protest, but I’m out the door. She came back to be a part of her daughter’s life. Time to step up.

* * *

The lights are stillon in Britt’s old apartment when I park near the courthouse. The workers have finished taking down the projection equipment. Most of the moviegoers are gone, but a few stragglers are strolling down Main Street.