It wasn’t a bad job. Gwen gave me a short list of questions designed to uncover the heart of each client’s problem—sort of like a therapist. Then she showed me how to give a reading that would comfort them. Every tarot card has at least five different meanings, so it was all about finding the combination that worked for that person.
Britt’s right, I was able to make them happy. We never had an unsatisfied customer, which to Gwen meant I had a gift.
“I’m still not sure I agree with her,” I mutter, sliding my fingers along the wooden molding above the door.
I take the key down, trotting up the stairs and inserting it into the doorknob. It turns easily, and I step inside the empty apartment, discarding my clothes in the small nook beside the washing machine just behind the refrigerator.
No direction, no job, no place to live…
Scrubbing my hand over my forehead, I push that thought away. “I’m not my mother.” No matter what fucking Drake Redford said.
I can’t listen to the rantings of a small-dicked, spoiled man-child trying to pressure me into marrying him—and utterly astonished someone had the nerve to tell him no.
Overalls off, undershirt off, I stomp to the bathroom in my black lace undies and no bra when the narrow door opens all by itself and a tall, dark figure emerges from the steamy room.
“Shit!” I start to scream, but the sound dies on my lips when Alex Stone materializes before me in all his naked glory.
Shiiit…My eyes bug as they flash from the tips of his damp, brown hair to his broad, muscled shoulders to the lines in his chest… I can’t stop them moving lower… to the cut of his six-pack abs to the two, thrilling lines that form a V over his hips to the center of his pelvis.
“Holy shit.” The breath leaves my body on a hot whisper, and my inner thighs tingle.
I’m frozen to the spot, gaping at the sight of his smooth, semi-erect, impressively large cock. It’s thick and perfect with just enough veins and a mushroom cap that holds so much promise…
“See something you like?” His baritone voice snaps me out of my trance.
He doesn’t move to cover himself, and I blink quickly from his dick to his hungry gaze, which is fixed on my bare breasts. His eyebrow arches, and he licks his lips.
He actuallylicks his lips.
It’s when I remember I’m standing in front of him in only my black lace panties.
Slamming my arms over my chest, I stutter. “Wh-what are you doing here?”
“Aiden said I could use the shower to clean up.” He gives me a wicked smile, putting a hand on his hip and not even trying to hide his mesmerizing physique. “Myrtle got loose, and we ended up in a ditch.”
“Would you please?” I gesture towards his waist. “This isn’t a men’s locker room.”
His hazel eyes squint, and his grin widens over straight, white teeth. “Sorry, I thought you were seeing something you liked.”
“It’s not… I can’t…” Use your words, Cass. “I’m not used to seeing all that… out in the wild.”
I wave my hand at his cock, which I’m pretty sure has grown thicker in the short time we’ve stood here facing each other half-naked.
Well,I’mhalf-naked. He’s full monty.
“That, as in my dick?” Reaching inside the small bathroom, he’s still not covering his junk, and my pussy is slippery and pulsing as fast as my heart.
I turn my back and take a few deep breaths to calm my volcanic hormones. How long has it been since I’ve had a nice, solid roll in the sack?Too long!my hormones answer, and never with someone soendowed.
Get a grip, Cass. It’s freakin’ Alex Stone. He’s the most controlled, distant, reserved of the Stone brothers. We are nothing alike. We never share more than a few polite sentences when we’re together, and for a long time, I was pretty sure he found me annoying, although I’ve never given him a reason.
“And I seem to remember you like wild things.” A tease is in his tone, and the noise of drawers opening and closing sounds behind me, the rattle of clothes in a bag, and a thought tickles my brain.
“How could you possibly know something like that?”
“I’ve seen you skinny dipping.”
“I haven’t done that in fifteen years.”