My dick twitches, and I shift in my seat.
Maybe I will.
I can’t wait. Are you picking up my stuff?
Yeah, see you in a bit.
Sliding my phone into my pocket, I see Doug holding a ladder outside the Star Parlor. Britt is on top photographing a small white sign hanging above the entrance that readsEverything in its time.
“That is not from the eighties.” I hold the other side of the ladder, watching my sister-in-law lean around to get a close-up of the nails used to fasten it.
“If it was, it wasn’t famous.” Doug shakes his head. “Sounds more New Age to me.”
“So Madonna and Kevin Costner are off the hook?” I squint one eye, wondering if that joke is played out yet.
He quietly chuckles, and I guess it isn’t. “I imagine they’ve got pretty busy schedules, after all.”
“Hey, Alex!” Britt waves at me before climbing down the ladder.
“Should you be up on ladders in your condition?” I reach out to hold her back as she descends.
“Don’t you start, too.” Her tone is fussy. “Aiden treats me like I’m made of glass, and I’m not even showing yet.”
Her feet are on the ground, and I motion to the sign. “Still no leads?”
“To be fair, we’re not really pursuing it very hard.” She scrolls through the images on her camera. “It’s not like they’re threatening messages.”
“It is criminal mischief,” Doug notes thoughtfully.
“Is it?” Britt’s nose wrinkles. “They don’t leave any marks once we take them down. It’s not like graffiti.”
“Let’s see, we hadOpen your heartat Bud’s garage,Dreams do come trueat the ball field, and nowEverything in its timeat the Star Parlor.” Doug counts off the messages on his fingers, then he shrugs. “I just don’t see a connection.”
“Bud’s been married for years,” I muse, “Otherwise, they kind of go with the locations.”
“I think it’s nice,” Britt counters, putting her camera bag over her shoulder. “It’s a fun little town mystery, and it doesn’t hurt anybody. I’ll take one of those any day.”
“Same here.” Doug holds up a hand.
“What are you doing, anyway?” Britt studies me. “Not coming for a reading?”
“Nah, Cass left one of her crates behind, so I’m picking it up for her.”
Stepping forward, she gives me a tight hug. “Have I mentioned how happy I am you two are getting married? I like to think I had a teeny-tiny role in making it happen.”
“I think that’s fair to say.” She has no idea how much her little apartment kick-started the process, along with her wedding.
“Let me know the minute you set a date. I want to do all the things. Do you think you’ll get married at the distillery like we did?”
The frenzy begins, and I shake my head, grinning and holding up both hands. “I’ll do wherever and whenever Cass says, just as long as she meets me at the altar.”
“Oh…” Britt’s eyes warm. “You’re just the sweetest. Now all we have to do is find someone for Adam, and the family is complete!”
“Right.” She’s not catching me on that one either, despite my suspicions. “I’ll tell Cass to text you.”
What is it about married women wanting to marry everyone off?