My effort was wasted since he was too busy staring at my bare thighs, and when I pointedly cleared my throat, he slowly dragged his gaze up to my face.

“When you get home, do tell Violet that I’ll be over for tea at noon. Make sure she bakes scones and brews the proper tea for a guest of my . . .standing. I’m certain she’ll be delighted you and I have been properly introduced without her privy for our introductions.”

Because that wasn’t ominous as shit?

“How am I supposed to tell her who is coming to tea if I don’t know your name?”

Was this asshole serious? I felt like I’d fallen into some movie where everyone else was in the know, but I was left in the dark.

Tossing my phone on the seat of the car, I leaned in further, grabbing out the soft ballet flats I’d had in the seat, kicking off one heel to slide one on, then the other. There was no way I was climbing the ditch in heels again. My thighs were already screaming from the first time and then side-stepping down the damn thing.

“Rowan Teivel. Tell Violet that I’m looking forward to having tea withbothof you.” His smile was roguish and filled with amusement, as if he found something hilarious.

“I take it she doesn’t care for you much?”

“I assume there’s no man in your life?” His eyes slid over my body with naked hunger before rolling back up to my face.

“That’s a personal question. You and I aren’t going to do personal questions on a dark road in the moonlight, Teivel,” I returned in an acrimoniously sharp tone. “Have a delightful night, and thank you for not hitting me. I’d say it’s been a pleasure, but it would be a blatant lie.” When I bent to snatch up my phone, purse and shoes, I felt his eyes on me.

Huffing with irritation, I straightened and slammed the door closed, before once again, climbing from the ditch. I winced repeatedly as the sharp rocks bit painfully into my feet through the thin slippers, but I eventually made it to the trunk and managed to open it so I could grab my backpack and shove random items I’d need for the night into it.

“And I don’t see any men here, so asking about any would be a moot point and waste of air.” I dropped my purse in the trunk so I could dig through another bag for my Vans slip-on tennis shoes. Kicking off the ballet flats, I winced at the gravel against the soles of my feet. Once I had them on my poor feet, I went to grab my purse out of the trunk, only for him to snatch it before I could. “Give me my purse, now,” I demanded as the reins on my mood snapped.

“Stop being childish and ask me for a ride, Moira Darling.”

“How did you know my middle name was Darling?”

His eyes widened, and a blinding smile spread over his lips. “I didn’t, but I can’t say I’m shocked that Rena named you MoiraDarlingBishop. That girl always had an unhealthy obsession with Peter Pan.”

I’d been wrong. His eyes weren’t merely gray. They were the color of freshly pressed steel with a dark line of blue surrounding the iris.

“Get in my car. It’s late, and there are ravenous beasts prowling these woods. And you? You look fucking delicious enough to eat.”

Swallowing past the uneasiness flooding my mind, I chanced a peek at the men silently watching us with curious gazes.

“They won’t bite unless I give them permission to do so. It’s me you should be worried about.” The way his smile turned wolfish even as his eyes glimmered with something dangerous dancing in their steel-colored depths, wasn’t encouraging.

Chapter Two


Therideupthemountain was filled with tension. Rowan had instructed the men with him to pile into the back and then turned music on, ending any chance of conversation. I didn’t mind, but I was curious to know how he assumed my mother had been obsessed with Peter Pan. In actuality, she’d named me Grimoira Darling Bishop, and Grandmother had shortened it because she’d thought it was absurd to name a child Grimoira.

I’d known every soul who called Witchery Hollow home, but I had no memory of Rowan or his cohorts. In fact, our family was one of the original families to call this place home. There wasn’t anyone who didn’t show grandmother the respect she deserved for being descended from the original settlers.

Fidgeting, I rubbed the ruffles at the hem of my dress between my thumb and forefinger while peering out into the passing countryside. The volume of the music lowered, and I turned toward Rowan and waited for what he wanted to say.

Rowan didn’t speak, which left me floundering for something to say in order to fill the awkward silence. “When did you move to Witchery Hollow?” I asked. His lips jerked at the corners of his full, kissable mouth.

“You’re assuming I’ve not always lived here?” he shot back as one dark brow lifted with his question.

“I’d know it if you’d lived here, Teivel. The town isn’t big enough to hide in.” It was probably large enough to hide in, but not for someone as handsome as Rowan. I’d have noticed he was here. My vagina would’ve definitely taken notice of his sex appeal.

“Where have you been for the last couple of years?” he asked.

Abandoning the soft taffeta skirt, I shifted in my seat, silently taking in the way his presence dominated the cab of the Land Rover. Normally, I’d be secretly checking out the details and gadgets of his expensive car, but I couldn’t think beyond his presence. Licking my lips, I noted Rowan’s eyes abandoning the road to zero-in on my mouth, then drifting up from them as a blush spread over my cheeks.

“I attended Trinity College for a few years, then returned to the States to take more classes at Harvard,” I admitted, seeing no reason not to do so. The skin around his eyes tightened before he focused back on the road.