Without warning, he shoved me away so hard I fell backward, but instead of the earth and grass I had been expecting, my back hit the softness of a gigantic bed.

“I didn’t expect you to actually accept a beast between your silky thighs, Moira Darling. Earlier tonight, when I created a Neverland for you, I expected you to cry and be terrified. I didn’t expect an immoral, corrupted slut to saunter in and take me so willingly.”

“Who the fuck saidIwanted to fuck you? We’re not the only ones here, Teivel?” I licked my kiss-swollen lips, and only knew he followed the action because of how the thickening of silver that collected in the centers of his eyes tracked it. His lips curled into a devilish smirk before he, once again, captured my legs and wrists in vise-like grips and jerked them apart. Was I the X on a treasure map or the treasure itself? Lifting my head from the bed, I stared at the wispy tendrils sliding out from his flesh, which had captured me.

“I’m not the only one who’s a horrible liar, Teivel.” My words trembled from the adrenaline created by being bound, exposed and helpless. It was intoxicating to know I was helpless against him. I’d never considered being tied up with my cunt exposed would ever be anything but terrifying. But with him, it was erotic and immoral. It left me spinning in a drunken haze of lust.

“Saucy little slut,” he rumbled in a deep, resonating tenor that echoed through the clearing.

The sound of growls began filling the space, and I glanced toward the woods and the crimson red eyes I’d all but forgotten about. At some point, their number had exploded from the hundreds to the thousands, and it made it seem as if the forest was ablaze.

“Pay them no attention. They’re here to watch your sweet body being taken until it only ever craves what I can offer it. Eyes on me,” he hissed as I felt something wrapping around my throat, forcing my eyes to collide with his. “You look at me when your cunt is dripping from the arousal I produced.”

Rowan leaned down to plant his hands on the bed, and the ravenous look stamped on his features had actual fear licking through my belly. The thick, wispy, black extremities pushed down his sweatpants, revealing averyinhuman cock.

My eyes bulged at the thickness of it and then lowered to where the same shadowy dark tendrils slithered around it, as if they’d be adding more pleasure. The steel of the Jacob’s ladder glinted in the moonlight as he gripped his cock, enjoying the knowledge of it intimidating me.

My lips parted, but when he moved to fist his cock and it . . . fucking grew bigger. Any words I’d intended to utter ended up ping-ponging inside my skull. Slowly, it continued to grow until my pussy ached at the mere thought of seating that monstrous cock inside it. The throbbing in my clit was painful, and the ball of primal need in my abdomen grew past the point of painful.

Closing my eyes, I dropped my head back to the mattress and waited for theVagina-Annihilator 2000to destroy my poor pussy. I was certain it wouldn’t be the same when he’d finished sinking his cock to the hilt inside of me. That dick was a game-changer, and no way was it not going to hurt fitting it all in.

Opening my eyes, I watched him rising to stand at the edge of the mattress, watching as I moved against the things tenderly caressing me. A soft whimper slid from my kiss-swollen lips at the knowledge of what was slowly driving me to the brink of madness.

“I smell your fear, pretty girl. But your need to be fucked is overriding all else. I’ve never seen a Bishop spread out like a sacrifice as you are right now. Most would seek to escape the magick restraining you, Grimoira Darling.”

The slithering began again, but this time, it felt unrestrained, ravenously greedy. It was all over my flesh. The rounded, wet tips of two tendrils moved over each breast and then they simultaneously clamped onto my nipples and sucked so hard, it actually hurt.

“Shit,” I murmured as pleasure rushed through me. My ankles were freed but then the invisible hands returned, hoisting my knees up and apart, putting my unguarded, vulnerable sex on full display for the demon who had complete control of my body. It was becoming painfully clear that he’d mastered the most deliciously wicked art of torture possible.

“Your pretty cunt is swollen with the need to be fucked like a gluttonous bitch. I hope you're not as delicate as you appear to be.” Rowan strolled to the edge of the gigantic bed.

I noted the dark tendrils detaching to remain on me, but the moment he was near enough, they latched on to him as if drawn like magnets. This was officially the freakiest dream sex of my entire life. Dropping to his knees at the edge of the bed, Rowan leaned forward to gaze at my clenching pussy.

“Such lovely, pink flesh you offer to me, Moira Darling.”

Rowan’s feverish breath ghosted over my sex before his tongue pushed through the mess of arousal in one gluttonously broad stroke. It slipped from one end of my sex to the other, flicking my clit with a firm, hard lick before repeating it over and over until my entire body trembled with the need for release.

His forked tongue circled my entrance before forcing its way into my cunt and making me moan so loudly that whatever beasts watching us began to growl with their approval. He wasn’t even touching me with anything but his tongue, and I was teetering on the edge of blissful rapture. His wicked, husky laughter vibrated against my bald pussy as he pulled his tongue free.

“You taste like sin, but your tight cunt promises me heaven. Is that your plan? To take me to church and try to redeem my soul? Just so you’re aware, I’d rather turn you into a sinner and drink from your holy grail, sweet Moira.”

“Fuck no. I vote you make me a sinner and let me taste the flames of your hell.” If he didn’t fuck me soon, I’d be going insane. The way his eyes spread full with ink-color swallowing the white and his horns lengthened, had me whimpering at my own impending death. But honestly, if a bitch had to die, I preferred to go out being fucked brutally so I could prance into Heaven and tell them I got dicked to death. Wait, would I end up in Heaven if I let a demon fuck me six ways to Sunday?

The pressure on the bed warned me he’d abandoned toying with me, and inwardly, the thought of him fucking me until I blacked-out made me positively gleeful.

“You’re going to be a rather tight fit the first time,” he warned as his thick, flared-head rubbed against my pussy. It would not fit. That realization stole all my bravado and replaced it with fear. Menacing, sinister laughter told me he’d noted it, but he pushed forward, anyway.

Pressure turned to searing pain before he’d so much as nudged into me. The cry of pain I released as my body clenched tightly around his cock had whimpers coming from him, and whatever the hell was obscured within the forest. As if they were merely another extension of Rowan or some shit?

“Relax for me, Moira Darling. You’re being such a good girl, taking my cock into your tight, needy cunt.”

Relax? Was he fucking serious? I hadn’t even taken the head of his cock, and my body felt as if it were being forced open. He pushed in deeper, forcing my walls to give way to his intrusion. The moment I felt metal, I swallowed the groan of distress and gave myself a little pat on the back for making it one step up the mammoth-ladder he was forcing me to climb.

Shit, it hurt!

Pain was forcing my body to constrict around him, so I rocked my hips, seeking to adjust enough to inch his monstrous prick deeper.

The grinding of his teeth told me he was straining, too. It wasn’t until things began pulsing against my walls that my entire body shivered. His cock vibrated and then grew the same strange, rounded bumps as the other thing had done earlier. But Rowan’s was geared with the metal from his ladder which added pleasure, and should’ve prevented his dick from doing many tricks. Or, you’d think it would?