Page 80 of Queen of Chaos

“I fucked Brander last night,” Soraya said as she swept into the room.

Great, I was the only one not having actual sex.

“He’s…teaching me to take pleasure in sex again. Brander is on an entirely different level than what I’ve dealt with before. He didn’t expect me to do anything other than what felt good to me. I’m not sure he’s even normal. The moment he approached, I tried to suck his cock.”

“I’m failing to see the problem, ladies. You both seem rather troubled about getting good dick. Meanwhile, my dick is Sleeping Beauty and I’m a fucking the vertically challenged one throwing rotten apples at the evil queen. Did he also use his tongue on, you know…down there?” I asked, frowning as I felt dream Knox between my thighs.

“No, he told me if I was his good girl, he’d teach me anything I wanted to learn. I said I wanted to learn what he liked.”

“And the huge romantic guy that he is, had you suck his dick?” I asked with my face scrunching up at the strangeness of this entire conversation.

“It was a punishment. He’d asked me what I enjoyed done to me. My answer was sucking his cock, which, apparently, wasn’t the right answer because he knew I only said it to make him happy.” Soraya’s brow creased as her lips tugged down into a deep frown. “I need to know what the answer is before tonight.”

“Tell him that you’ve had pleasure before. That it is his job to try everything so that you can answer him correctly.” At my reply, she nodded slowly. “Use him, he’s one of the smoothest guys I know.”

Siobhan rushed into the room, forcing my eyes to close. “Killian . . .” She exhaled with a little shiver. “I have never been so thoroughly fucked in my entire life.” Eva entered with Avyanna, both smiling as if they’d spent the night along the lines of the others.

“This is my life now.” Ember would’ve said something if she was within me. After seeing myself in Knox’s mind, it worried me that he’d taken her from me somehow. She’d have been pissed to knoweveryonehad gotten laid last night except us. “We have a battle to wage, so if you’re intending to add to the sex happening last, save it.”

“Someone is cranky she didn’t get dick. Maybe try feeding Ember, she’ll wake Knox up real quick,” Siobhan muttered, then stared at me strangely. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I’ll be much better once I hand Hecate her ass,” I muttered beneath my breath. Walking down the corridor, I paused as the men came into view, full armor covering every inch of them, except their heads. “Damn.” I looked like I’d slipped on knee and elbow pads compared to the men. “Are you ready?”

“Areyouready?” Zyion asked, his armor the same he’d worn when he’d fought against Aden.

“I’m ready. If we stall any longer, she’ll be outside the gates. Siobhan, did you set the wards around the castle?”

“I placed wards with Killian as my witness. No one will be able to come inside the gates, or leave them once we portal to the citadel.” Her eyes slid to Killian, a smile played on her lips. He, on the other hand, looked unaffected by her. It was discerning that he’d fuck her, and then not even bother to acknowledge her.

“Basilius, you and the others are ready?” I asked, then felt relief as he nodded in reply. “I need you to tell the others that I need them to remain away from the citadel. I can’t control my magic as well as I’d like. In order to ensure no harm befalls the dragons, you’re going to need to wait until I bring down the walls.”

“How the hell are you planning to bring down the walls of the citadel? They’re impenetrable, and reinforced by magic,” he asked, his lips jerking into a smirk, as if he thought I was lying. “If you think I’m walking in there with some girl who is bluffing about her abilities, you’re fucking wrong.”

“She has leveled an entire castle to the fucking ground. If you’re scared, Basilius, just say so. I’m sure Aria can find something for you to do here. The cook probably needs help cleaning the kitchens,” Esme shot back, forcing my eyebrows to shoot toward my hairline. Shots fired! “You’re obviously not man enough to be comfortable taking orders from a woman, anyway.”

“Careful, Little Bird. One might think you need another trip to the supply closet. Was I man enough in there for you?” Basilius stepped closer, his rattle registering in my ears before it even built within his chest.

It was dominant, but Knox would easily subdue him. Esme, on the other hand, slowly began pressing her thighs together, clenching against his demand to submit. Her spine curved, even as she glared murderously at him. The moment she began to lower, his rattle silenced. Tipping his dark head, he smirked. Her eyes slid to mine with a look of I-told-you-so simmering in them.

“Everyone knows the plan?” Waiting for the eyes to go up, I exhaled. “Here goes nothing. May the gods be merciful, because I won’t be.”

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Adensefogdriftedup from the riverbank of the Red River. It hovered within the ground inside the citadel, blanketing it in foreboding stillness. Footpaths high on the walls began flickering with flames, slowly revealing the soaring walls until they encircled the entire stronghold. As if they thought to ward off the moisture churning into a dark, foreboding obscuring cover. The more they fought to remove the mist, the thicker it laid on the ground, slowly rising to ensure no eyes fell upon us outside of the wrought iron gates, and stone bastion.

The denizens within loitered, unable to flee the moistness that soaking their cloaks, gowns, or tunics. It weighed against their lifeless flesh, adding dread to their sickly, lifeless minds. The foul, acrid scent of death clung to the wet air, forcing it beyond the fortified walls. Rotting corpses were pungent, revealing the level of the depravity within.

The rotting corpses weren’t the worst of the acrid, putrid scents drifting from inside. The flesh of the creatures Hecate exhausted beyond their worth, were currently being incinerated. The smoke was so thick I could taste it from where I stood, slowly and meticulously unweaving the multiple lines of magic drifting through the city around us, fueling the goddess within the towering protection of the citadel.

I moved my fingers, but not enough to even be perceptible to anyone around me. The entire army of the dead sat just beneath the surface of the ground beneath our feet. I felt the disturbance of the city at our back, the wrongness of those dwelling within the residences. Hecate had either taken control or she’d placed her own batteries close enough within range for her to use at her convenience.

“The village is filled with dark witches. Hundreds of them,” I whispered barely above a breath of air. “They’ll need to handle them. There’s also a convoy of witches’ incoming from the farthest southern pass of the Valley of the Dead.”

“We’ll handle them easily,” Basilius said, his hand touching the small of my back. “The right side, correct?” He turned, and looked down at me.

“Correct. Killian, until we reveal the others, aim the majority of the archers toward the village in case they join in, which I’m nearly positive they will. Instruct them not to hesitate no matter what they appear to be,” I instructed, continuing to find each slithering whisper of magic drifting throughout the land, straight to Hecate.