“Your mind works like Knox’s does. Everything you do is strategic and thought out entirely. You don’t lead people into battles you don’t intend to win. You’re always five steps ahead of your adversaries. None of us have the ability to wage war as efficiently as you can. We are able to fight, or dominate on a battlefield. But the fine-tuned parts that need to be planned out? That’s always been Knox. He’s not here to plan for the unexpected. Knox always has one way in and five ways out. That’s where you come in on this one. I have a map of the citadel, as well as the surrounding area. I can get us in, but if shit goes sideways? We’re going with it, Aria. Unless you choose to lead and allow me to do what I do best.” Brander’s eyes held mine, a silent plea burning within them.
“Fine. Tell me how to do it.” The moment I said it, a crown landed atop my head.
“I think this one suits you best, Your Majesty,” Greer stated, forcing my lips to twitch.
“Is there a crown of dicks on my head, Meat Suit?”
“Would I do such a thing?” he asked innocently.
“Yes,” I replied.
“You’re right, I would. Unfortunately, you needed an actual crown to rise to the Queen of Dragons. This one seemed like the best fit for you,” he informed. “The material is black steel, mined from Dorcha. It’s rock that has melted beneath the dragon’s flame. Not much of it remains nowadays, but there was enough in the vault to create this one. The diamonds set into the black steel are mined right here in Norvalla. Knox filed the points, himself. He wanted it to be perfect and trusted no one else to do it.” Greer pushed wayward strands of my hair behind my ear, smiling as he wiped away the tear that tipped over my lashes. “He’d want you to lead his brethren against Hecate. You know her weaknesses. He also knew that no one else would ensure they return here safely once the battle was over, except you.”
“Thank you, Greer.”
“You’ll have to wear his mantle. We didn’t have time to have one made for you,” he informed. Wrapping the obsidian mantle over my shoulders, he clasped the raven heads together, smiling proudly. “I always knew you’d be his queen. At first, I hated that it would steal your innocence. You had such a beautiful soul, and were so soft when we first met. I knew you’d have to kill that girl in order to survive this world.”
“Are you trying to turn me into a blubbering mess?” I asked pointedly, smiling as he kissed my cheek.
“No, you shouldn’t cry. Tears are for later, My Queen. Right now, I need your ruthlessness, and that chaos you bring so freely upon those you destroy. You hit her for me, at least once.”
I stared at the throne, hating that Knox wasn’t here to approve my ascension. I’d never dared to even imagine sitting on the throne of Norvalla. Even when I’d been his wife, it had seemed pointless. Now, he wasn’t here, and I was about to agree to protect and defend his people in his absence. Taking the step toward it, I sucked in air as I read the inscription on the back.
Aria, beloved Queen of Dragons, Queen of Phoenixes, and rightful ruler of the Nine Realms.
“He did,” Brander stated. “Knox would want you to be his queen, we all know it, probably even knew you were before he did. Knox doesn’t do anything without thought, which means he wanted you to become queen. You already were, even without the crown to back your claim.”
I stood there, staring at the throne he’d built for me, breathlessly wishing he were here to ease the worry. Knox always forced the world to go silent around me. As if nothing else existed other than the two of us within the universe. I craved that with him, the ability to shut off the world and just exist with him beside me.
A hand touched my shoulder. It made head turn, finding Brander beside me. His eyes, beaming with pride slowly moved over my face. “I am proud of you, Aria. If you’d have asked me when I’d first met you if I saw you ascending the throne to rule beside my own brother? I’d have laughed at you. You’ve come so far, and matured into a beautiful, chaotic woman. There’s no one else I’d want to sit beside Knox to rule our kingdom.” Grabbing my hand, he brushed his lips over my knuckles. “Long may you reign beside your king.”
Lore stepped into Brander’s spot once he’d stepped back. Golden eyes sparkled as a wide grin spread over his face. “You know how I feel. I’m always here forwhateveryou need. I joke around a lot.” He shoved his fingers through his platinum hair, frowning. “You know that as well. But really, Knox has been through hell. When he’s with you, he smiles, Aria. He fucking laughs. He raised me. Before he met you? I could probably count how many times he’d laughed throughout my life on one hand. You make him happy, which is all I’ve ever wanted for him, really. It’s what we’ve all wanted . . . I mean,otherthan an extending jaw. Obviously, any man would want a girl with one of those. You’re going to be the best queen this realm has ever had. I know that because I know you. You’re kindhearted, and you’re . . . well . . . you’re you. I’m going to be proud to say you’re our queen. Knox would be too, if he could.” Leaning over, he kissed my forehead. “If he doesn’t wake up? I’m willing to be their daddy. I won’t make you call me daddy, either.” Killian swatted him, which caused the men to chuckle. “Hey, the girl needs to know she has options.”
“Move along, Lore. Let the real men have a chance with the girl.” Brander’s taunting tone had Lore rolling his eyes.
“Thanks, Lore. I’ll keep you in mind if I end up with daddy issues.” My joke caused his eyes to shimmer with sparkles of gold dust.
“Aria, you know how I feel,” Killian uttered, his head tilted, a frown marring his brow. “Knox is my best friend. I came here at five years of age to learn to train beside a prince. I hated him at first. He was the reason I’d been forced to leave everything I’d ever known or cared about. Knox was never a child. He’s been groomed to rule since the day he took his first breath. I’ve been with him the longest, other than Greer’s cranky, old ass. I was glad he married Liliana, then brought Sven into the world. But I stood beside him when he buried them, and you were right. He buried his heart beside them in that crypt. Until you resurrected it, then brought him back to life. With you, he’s a different person. I watched him trying to hate this enchanting woman, who gave him no mercy. You didn’t take his shit, Aria. You gave back as hard as he gave it, and that was entertaining to watch. It wasn’t all you did. You made Knox into more than just a king. It was like watching him age backward, from ruthless king, to the lad who snuck out to frequent taverns. I guess what I’m trying to say is, you make him into a better man. For that, we’re all eternally grateful you came into our lives. If he doesn’t wake up, choose me. I promise not to make you call me daddy,” he said before leaning over and kissing my cheek. “He’ll wake up. Knox doesn’t know how to stay down.”
“Thank you, Killian.”
“Peasant,” Greer stepped up, eyeing Killian until he released my hand, moving away to stand with the others. “You know I was a total asshole the first few times we met.”
“You don’t say?” I asked in a mocking tone, my hand flying to my heart. “Don’t break my heart, Meat Suit.”
“You’d have to actually have one, first.” He sniffed, lifting his nose into the air, before slowly lowering it, grabbing my hand in his surprisingly warm ones. “The first time I saw you outside of the house in Haven Falls, I knew you were innocent. Both of mind and heart. I also knew Knox intended to force you back into this world. A world that would chew that beautiful, innocent girl up and spit her out. That wasn’t something I wanted for you, ever. You’ve blossomed from the naïve, soft, delicately made girl into a savage.” He stood there while I waited for him to continue.
“Uh, that’s it,” he paused before adding, “I do wonder about something though.”
“Did you ever start tipping the naked men prancing around you, more than a dollar?” His lips jerked up as my mouth opened in horror.
“I was in my pajamas, Greer. It was all that I had on me. Besides, I should have flicked a quarter at the bastard. He wasn’t even worth the dollar.”