I refused to stop fighting to live. Our bond was indestructible, even in the face of Hecate’s influence. Thwarting his ability to control my body’s response, I used my magic to project the song playing inside my head. “Arcade” by Duncan Laurence blasted through the woods. It echoed around us and carried on the wind.
My lungs burned as if I was inhaling razor blades, slicing them wide open. I prayed the sound would alert the others of my current location. Every time my foot landed against the twig-carpeted floor of the forest, it drove agonizing pain up the length of my leg. My arms moved with every step I took, pumping through me as I felt Ember’s frustration coming through to flood my mind with her helplessness.
I was weakening. That my feet were gradually becoming harder to lift from the ground told me I was in trouble. “Under Your Scars” by Godsmack echoed through me, filling the space between us. Butterfly wings the color of night, fluttered in my vision.
Turning my head at the deafening crack of a branch snapping behind me, I caught a blur of movement out of the corner of my eye. Then he collided into my body. Knox’s arms were steel bands around my waist. A scream ripped from my lungs as he twisted us both through the air, as we spun from the sheer force with which he’d collided against me.
The turbulent, spiraling assault flung my body, sending it hitting hard against the ground in an excruciating, bone-jarring crash that knocked the breath from my lungs. The landing was cruel, making me roll numerous times as dangerously pointed branches gouged into my skin. The sob that burst free from my lungs sent blood splattering from my lips.
I forced myself up, but dropped back as anguish tore through my frame. I heard Knox’s heavy footfalls, which were progressively moving toward my motionless, broken body. Tears of defeat swam in my vision as he bent down, then gripped my ankle, using it to forcefully flip me over onto my back.
“You look lovely with all that blood covering your exquisite body. I think it’s my favorite color on you. It brings out the defeat burning in your pretty, blue eyes. Is that defeat simmering in them? I think I prefer it shining from them, as well.”
I couldn’t get words past the regret swelling in my throat. Failure slid over me like fire ants biting into flesh. Forcing air into my lungs, I flinched as he stooped, threading his fingers through my hair. Lifting me by it, a shriek tore from my lungs. Knox straightened to his full height and brought my body flush against his hard chest.
“Did you allow him to touch what belongs to me, Aria?” In his voice, a dark warning whispered raspily within the air. The longer I remained silent, the more threatening his darkness became.
“No! Never. I’d never let another touch me. It’s only ever been you. Knox, please fight her. Fight her for us. For you and me. I love you. I love you so fucking much it is tearing me apart. You’re my everything. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. No other has ever held my heart, only you.”
“Is that so? Ironically, I’m also intending to rip you apart. First, I want to know how bad it hurts knowing you’ve fucking lost, little girl.”
“I’m not done yet! You stupid, selfish cunt,” I roared, kicking him in the balls. A strangled scream of thunderous rage burst from his lips.
My hair slid from his grip, and I landed hard on the ground, but there was nothing left of the fight within me. A tormented cry of infuriation tore from my lungs, even as he rushed toward me as I clumsily attempted to stagger back to my feet. Strong hands locked around my upper arm, then plucked me from the ground, forcefully shoving my spine achingly against the hard trunk of a nearby tree.
“Fucking bitch,” he hissed as his mouth lowered against mine. My eyes fluttered close seconds before it drifted against mine, his heated lips touching mine with the softest kiss. A ravenous, whimpered whisper of grief and longing vibrated from my lips, devoured voraciously from his. “I hate you for letting that bastard touch what is only mine to know.” His teeth captured my lip, applying enough pressure that I gasped from the burning pain. “Fight me all you like, Aria. I am your jury, judge and executioner.” His tongue delved between my lips, finding mine, then kissed me until I felt myself steadily falling down into the endless well of despair.
He’d kissed me. Fucking kissed me with the same lips he’d touched motionlessly against Hecate’s. But where he’d failed to return or join in her kiss, he’d devoured mine as if he were starving for more. Just as he’d told me, he was my jury, judge and executioner.
Knox drew back at the sound of feet thrashing over the ground, reverberated around us. His dismal obsidian pools drifted from the men rushing toward us, then slid back to lock with mine. A wicked chuckle exited his lips, turning menacing, sinister.
“I’m going to need to borrow some of that vast magic you house. Don’t worry, I don’t intend to give it back. Let’s be honest here, you no longer need it because you’re fucking dead. You just haven’t caught up to that idea, yet.” Knox’s lips parted, then pressed against mine as his arm extended, aimed his palm at the men charging toward us. Then a spasm shot through me as he began sucking the magic directly from my soul. The agony cruelly tore through every inch of my body, sparing nothing as it pushed through me.
Fear, failure and grief settled within me, weighing against my chest. He’d ripped my power straight from my lips. He consumed it aggressively, unconcerned with how it ripped me asunder. My feet had left the soil before I realized he’d collared my throat, fingers digging into my jaw as he lifted me.
The men collided against a barrier Knox had erected. Ice shot through my veins, as surely as if he’d injected it there himself. He’d siphoned too much magic, draining me to the point I felt nullified.
“No!” Esme’s horrified shriek forced my eyes to flutter closed. “Aria, fight him!”
“She can’t,” Knox purred, his nose rubbing against my cheek. “This isyoursavior? How pathetic.” Knox cruelly gripped my arm, then gripped a merciless hold on my throat. He continued, lifting me until my feet dangled, searching for the ground. “Are you ready to sing for me? I bet you’ll sing so fucking pretty when I rip your heart out.” He tossed me to the ground, which sent the air from my lungs in a whoosh of sound.
“Fight me, motherfucker!” Esme snarled, as her eyes flooded with tears streaming freely down her cheeks. “Fucking fight, Aria. Please. Oh, gods, please get up! I fucking need you. Do you hear me? Fight him!”
“Aria, do it,” Killian demanded, his voice strained. “Knox wouldn’t want you to be a fucking martyr. Fight. Do what you do best and kill him!”
I couldn’t fight against him even if I wanted to do so. He’d taken all of my reserved magic, draining me until only a tiny whisper of it remained tethered in my center.
“Aria,” Siobhan whispered, kneeling down at eye level with me. “Bring it down. Remove the shield so we can do what you cannot bring yourself to do. Without you, everything is lost. We lose you. There’s no reason to keep fighting. Don’t let her take that from us. We need you as much as he does.”
Crawling over the wet, rain-soaked floor of the forest, I moaned as his booted foot slid beneath my belly, rolling me onto my back. Staring into the sightless, murky eyes, I exhaled, knowing it was coming. My chest rose and fell with the strenuous, quick gasps fighting to bring enough air into my lungs to form words.
“Knox, it’s Aria!” Killian cried, his hands singing against the barrier preventing him from intervening.
“Get up, Aria,” Zyion demanded. “Get the fuck up. You’re stronger than this. I know you are. Now fight back, damn it.”
It was better that way. Even better if he’d block them all from witnessing what he intended to do to me. Not that I’d get so lucky. He wasn’t fighting against Hecate’s control, not that I could tell through the blurriness of my vision. A shuddered breath left my lips, sending bubbled blood speckling against the pale flesh of my skin.
“I know who the fuck she is. Don’t worry, Killian. Once I’m done removing her heart, I’m coming for yours next. And you?” Knox pointed his finger toward Zyion. “You, I’m going to rip apart piece by fucking piece for touching her. She is mine.”