“What are you thinking in that lovely head of yours?” Knox asked as his fingers rubbed over the barrier, forcing a shudder to rock through me, even as his lips slid into a wolfish grin. “You forget, I know everything about you. I know your weaknesses, the people who matter most to you, your secrets, and what can hurt you the greatest.”
“Did you come here to boast, or goad us, Knox?” I inquired, then sauntered closer to him noting the way his head tilted, studying the sway of my hips. On cue, thick black liquid cried from his eyes. I felt Zyion’s alarm over what I intended to do, but turned, eyeing him with a warning gleaming in my eye. Turning back around, I challenged Knox once more.
Zyion returned to my side, offering me an annoyed side-eyed scowl of rebuke. Knox heldsomecontrol over his mind, obviously. He was aware of shit he shouldn’t know, like Rhianna and how she’d taken her own life. But he’d also had endless knowledge at his fingertips since he could devour the written word. It sent a chill through my blood, racing through my veins until I forced a shiver down, refusing to release it beneath his razor-sharp gaze. Hecate had taken Knox, and in doing so, she’d ended up with her own Library of Knowledge.
“It’s cute how you’ve wrapped the Dragon Killer around your finger. That pussy of yours has a way of ensnaring beasts with the promise of its sirens song it sings when its being fucked. Have you made him a father as you did for me?” Knox’s words made me stagger as they sliced through me like a warm knife through butter. My eyes fluttered to prevent the tears swimming in my vision from being seen. “Don’t worry, gorgeous girl. I’ll ask Hecate to at least allow you to hear them cry once before I rip them apart in front of you.” I felt the power he’d been gathering, wincing at my stupidity.
“You think Zyion would help me make pretty babies?” I asked, then giggled as my words caused his smile to die as they pulled into a grayish, thin line. Knox’s features hardened, exposing murderous fury. “I mean, since you replaced me, someone will have to fill your role. Right? No hard feelings?” I goaded, hating him a little for throwing our daughters into the hatefulness of what was occurring right now. “I bet he can fuck like a beast just as well as you can, Karnavious.” Turning around, I slowly swayed my hips temptingly as I moved back to Zyion, whose lip had pulled up farther on one side as he wrinkled his nose. “Can you fuck like a beast while putting a babe in my belly?” I asked in a rasping purr of sound, causing those around me to wince as if it hit them in the balls. If I had a better aim, I would have only hit Knox, but I wasn’t sure the purr I used could be aimed at one person.
“I can fuck you any way you want me to. Slow, gentle, rough or savagely. Tell me what you want, but I don’t intend to stop until you’re too fucking hoarse to even whisper ‘thank you’ when I’ve finished with you.” An audible swallow sounded, which took a moment to realize that I’d created the sound. “I’m down to make some babies with you, My Queen.” Zyion’s eyes glittered with something wicked dancing dangerously in their depths. I stepped back, but a hand lifted, collaring my throat as he pulled me closer. “He’s gathering power to attack,” he whispered softly against my lips, making it look to Knox as if we were kissing.
A single breath separated them from touching, which sent a trickle of uneasiness through my center. He wasn’t Knox, that meant he wasn’t who I wanted. The irony was, the man I wanted was somewhere close enough to control the warrior he used to speak through.
“I know,” I returned, pulling back, needing distance to prevent exposing that I’d felt nothing from Zyion. Nothing like Knox had forced me to feel. If he sensed it, he’d release the power he’d gathered, which would end up with someone here hurt, severely. “Good news. He wants lots of babies.”
“He’s fucking dead,” Knox hissed vehemently. His eyes flashed with a sliver of startling blue before the strange, obsidian-colored waterworks began, only this time they poured both from his eyes, and ears.
“So is she, Knox.” The corpse pointed a half-severed finger at me. “She’s just too big-headed to realize how fucked she’s about to be. Only, I won’t make her come. I’ll bury that bitch so deep in the ground that she’ll be banging the devil’s door knob to be rescued instead of for pleasure, by the time I’m done with her.”
Because one of us wasn’t fucking pretending! Which meant that whore was so fucked that I’d ensure she never rested once I sealed her in the tomb. I’d build a nest on it, and fuck Knox nightly just so she could hear him moaning my fucking name. She’d listen every night as I whimpered, moaned, and begged for him to fuck me harder. He would, and I’d smile the entire time, knowing she was beneath us, pouting as she used the stick, which I intended to toss her before sealing that bitch in for the rest of her miserable fucking life.
“I came here to invite you to my wedding,” he declared with a cold, merciless smile simmering in ocean-colored eyes, which appeared through the oozing sludge.
“Over my dead body,” I whispered as the knife he’d already stabbed in my heart twisted.
“It’s actually preferred that it’s lifeless. After all, I promised my bride to bring her your carcass as a wedding gift. I suggested we toss you in our bed before murdering you. I wanted to fuck her while staring into your pretty eyes. Unfortunately, Hecate is very possessive of her things.” His tongue drifted over his bottom lip as those scandalizing ocean-blue eyes studied my face. “I never loved you, Aria. You and I both know we wouldn’t have worked out. You’re pathetic, and she’s a fucking goddess. You are too fucking young to know what I hunger for. Hecate, though, she gives me everything I never knew I needed.” Gut. Punch. “I’ll tell you what, Little Monster, you come to me now, I’ll fuck you to death. Hell, I’ll even make that pussy sing for me before I twist your neck until your head breaks off. I might even continue fucking your tight, pretty cunt after you’ve expired. For old time’s sake, of course.”
“How about you go tell your owner that I’m coming for her? If I can’t end her life? Then she’ll get what she wants. I’ll burn this entire place to fucking embers and she can have you in what’s left of this place. Hecate can ascend the throne in the ashes and ruins of everything and everyone she’s destroyed. Hell, I’d even crown her as the queen myself. Except, that would be tricky, right? What, with her needing live beings to house her power within? I mean,youcould breed the nasty bitch and house her power inside ofyourchildren. Oh, that’s right. She can’t breed any more children. I ensured that when I trapped the whore in her own body. Sorry, Knox. Looks like you don’t get to be her baby daddy after all.” I shrugged my shoulders, taunting him to end this before I lost my ever-loving mind and control of the locked door.
“No, I won’t,” Knox snarled as his eyes returned obsidian, then black sludge ran as if someone had turned on a faucet. I studied the tension on his face, the contorting over the soldier's features before his hands rose, forcing me to hastily defend against the onslaught he unleashed.
I’d assumed he’d be powerful. What I hadn’t counted on was that he had actively begun gathering it when he’d arrived. I also hadn’t realized he’d be using my fucking magic, either. He’d more than likely began storing it as he drove the group of corpses back here. The moment our magic connected, violet light exploded in the courtyard, blinding all within it.
Knox’s magic slammed against my body, then sent me flying backward through the air. I connected with the stone wall surrounding the courtyard. My skull hit against the rocks, forcing both sparks and black dots to burst into my vision.
Instinctively, I grabbed the side of my head as a surge of splitting pain pounded within. Ringing blared in my head. The second pulse of power connected beside me, forcing me to roll, turning onto the ground before pushing myself upright. Nausea swirled through my stomach, even as bile burned against my throat.
On my feet again, I swayed, then whirled around in a circle, scouring for any sign of the others. Blinking to clear the blurriness in my eyes, I continually searched for those who’d been close enough to be hurt in the blast radius of his magic.
Turning back around at the sound of footsteps, I struggled against the nausea, still trying to escape my throat while teetering on uneven ground. The warrior Knox had been speaking from was the only one still on its feet. A cruel smile twisted his mouth as he sauntered his way toward me.
“You look so much better broken, my pretty little prey.” His words sent warning bells off in my head, even as groans began issuing around us. “I promised her I’d make it hurt.”
“You promised you wouldn’t break my heart again. I guess we’re both liars now,” I whispered through the tightness in my chest. “When you’re buried balls-deep in that whore? I hope you see me, and wish it were me instead.” His hands firmly grasped the bodice of the gown I wore, yanking me against the corpse’s frame.
“I always see your face. Every thrust into her cunt? I dream about you, and doing this,” he rasped, then wrapped his hands around my throat. “When you get to your next life, I’ll be there too, waiting to end it as well. Tell our baby girls, daddy says ‘hi’,” he murmured before his lips skimmed over my forehead, and his hands sealed around my throat.
Knox’s hands were merciless. Just as they’d always been. Light exploded in my vision, blinding me. Pain shot through my entire frame as a sadistic laugh burst from my lips, wrong, yet unmistakably loud enough to ensure he heard it. What he didn’t hear was the blade slicing through the air behind him, which removed both of our heads.
Dropping the blade, I rubbed my fingers over the handprints left over my throat. The body on the ground I’d created from magic gradually began to vanish, leaving only the warrior’s corpse, and decapitated head, which was still grinning. Bending down, I gripped it by the hair, holding it up.
“You don’t know all my tricks, Knox. I’ve learned a lot of things since I’ve been gone. And you don’t get to call me your Little Monster while you’re standing beside that whore. I’m coming to get you back. Sometimes, it’s the dragon who needs a queen to save him. Fuck being a princess when you can be a queen who creates such beautiful chaos. I hope your girlfriend is ready for me. Because I am,” I hissed before tossing the head into the air, as the world flashed to white as lightning struck the skull, as it shattered into tiny pieces of grizzled, charred flesh and bone.
Peering through the cloud of smoke, I caught sight of Killian, speckled with brain matter. I winced and offered him an apologetic smile. Thunder cracked above our heads, resoundingly. Forcing him to flinch, then tip his head back to scan the cloudless autumn sky.
“How the fuck did you do that?” Zyion’s garbled words forced my eyes to his bloodied face. His turquoise eyes darted between the dull image I’d crafted from magic, to me, then back again. “You don’t think you should tell us your plans?”
“I am not allowing mistakes to happen. It’s Knox, and whatever it takes, I’m getting him back. If you expect me to tell you all my secrets, you’re about to be disappointed, Zyion. A girl doesn’t indulge others with her secrets. It would be a tragic miscalculation to assume I would do so.” His face tightened, then he jerked his head once, showing me that he could live with it. “Now, we have to figure out how to get him back, and undo whatever the hell damage she’s done to him.”