“Yeah, he told me all that.” Merrick is talkative, at least, and that cool, bored tone is evaporating. “And the theme this year is …?”
“Ask Henry,” he answers without missing a beat.
I roll my eyes, earning his laugh.
“If it makes you feel better, the guys don’t know who they’re going as either.”
“How isanyoneokay with this?”
“That’s part of the fun.” He sips on the themed cocktail, his full lips lingering on the glass.
He has a beautiful mouth. Has it been on any part of Henry?
I give my head a shake.Focus, Abbi. “Butyouknow what they’re going as.”
“I arranged all the costumes, so yes,Iknow,” he says, a hint of teasing in his deep voice. “But don’t bother trying to get it out of me.”
“Can you at least tell me if it’s a weird couple thing?” I ask.
“Weird couple thing?”
“You know … Bonnie and Clyde, Gomez and Morticia. Mickey and Mallory?”
Merrick shakes his head.
“Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf?”
“They were a couple?” He frowns. “That’s not the nursery rhyme my mother told me. Look, I wish I could help you out, but I can’t. Wolf will kill me.”
“At least give me a hint?” I stare up at his handsome face. “Just a tiny hint?”
He studies my features intently. “Red and gold.”
“Red and gold?” What characters are red and gold? I draw a blank. “Can I have another hint?”
His stony face breaks with another brilliant smile. “You’re a greedy thing, aren’t you?”
“No, I’m paranoid.” Henry promised I would be dressed, but his idea of what that means differs from mine.
“Yeah, I would be too, given who you’re marrying.”
“Oh God.” I want to ask him what he means by that.
Merrick’s throat bobs as he looks around us. “Okay, fine, but this is the last hint, and you can’t tellanyoneI told you. Especially Wolf. Promise?”
My excitement stirs. “Yes.”
“Oursecret, okay?”
“I swear.”
He leans down until his face is inches from my ear, and whispers, “The circus.”
A shiver runs down my spine as his breath kisses my skin and his cologne teases my nose, but I brush that reaction aside to focus on the clue.The circus. Okay, that’s something I can work with. “Acrobat?”
He gives a curt head shake. “I told you, no more hints.”
“Lion tamer?”