Page 106 of Own Me

I find myself wishing we could stay. Or take her with us.

We’re halfway down the path toward the SUV when it dawns on me. “Aspen,Colorado?”

“Took you long enough.” Henry smiles. “Relax, he knows better than to come anywhere near you, trust me.”

I hope so. That night with Michael is the only thing I regret, and I regret it with every bone and sinew in my body. If I have to ever see him again, it’ll be too soon.

I shed my coat for the long car ride to Greenbank and then admire Henry’s handsome profile as he punches the address into the GPS.

“Why are you staring at me?” he murmurs.

“Am I?” I reach up to twirl strands of his hair between my fingertips. “I was thinking that you’re going to make a great father. I mean, you already do, but you know what I mean.”

“I do, and I think we should start trying now.”

“Now?” My heart skips a beat, not expecting that response. “I’m still on the pill.”

“Stop taking it.”

Icould. I’m supposed to start the next package tomorrow. “But what if it happens right away? The wedding is still four and a half months from now. I have to fit into my dress.” Which I still haven’t seen.

“I’m sure the designer could whip you up a new one in no time,” he says casually, one hand resting on the steering wheel as he leans in to kiss me. “Let’s start trying tonight in our new bed.”

The king-size bed Henry had delivered to my parents’ place last week, unbeknownst to me or Mama.

My stomach flutters, even though I’ve caught on. “Okay, now I know you’re not being serious because wecan’t.” I give him a look.

“I forgot.”

“No, you didn’t.” He knows I’m on my period. Henry’s always acutely aware of this time of the month because he turns needier.

He hums. “That’s fine. The ways I plan on defiling your body tonight don’t make babies, anyway.”

Those flutters are quickly replaced by a hammering heartbeat.

“It’s been a while since I fucked your ass.” He flashes a sexy smile. A challenge. And I’m not sure he’s joking.

“Henry …,” I warn.

“I just want to give my future mother-in-law something to pray for. It’s my Christmas gift to her.”

“Trust me, she already prays to the Lord for your salvationeveryday.”

He throws the car into Reverse. “After this holiday, she’ll be crossing herself for me until Easter.”

I poke him in the ribs, but I’m laughing.



Violet answersthe door with a wet mop of hair. “I’m sorry! I slept in!” She stumbles over the pile of shoes—all hers—backing up to let me into the house. “Give me five minutes. I just have to throw my things into a bag and I’ll be ready.” She trots off to her bedroom, leaving me to shut the front door.

“Good morning, dear.” Gayle struggles to get up from the recliner.

I hold my hands in the air. “Don’t get up on my account.”

“This arthritis …” She gives up on her effort, settling back in. She’s still in her nightgown and housecoat, a blanket draped over her bottom half. “I thought I heard her stirring, but I guess it was something else. Maybe I should have my hearing checked.”