Iris wraps her arms around me, kissing me and touching me all over. I pet down her body, her curves are soft and supple. I lay her back down and open her thighs. Her vulva is plump and ready for me.
"Vamen," Iris sighs.
"Let me clean you." I kneel down and lick her folds and slit. Iris gasps and wriggles. I place my hand on her belly to keep her in place. I suck her clit and her legs kick.
"Vamen! I just had a bath, I am clean." She whines.
"Shh, wife," I purr. "Calm now." I kiss her thighs and belly then rise up. I kiss Iris, pressing my cock inside her.
Iris mewls into my ear and holds onto me. I move slowly, wanting to feel every inch of her. Iris feels tight and warm. I could stay inside her forever.
"Vamen-" Iris says. "You're so big."
I smile and kiss her. "And you're so soft." I kiss her chest and neck. Iris moans more and drags her fingers down my back. I grunt, driving myself deep inside her.
"I’m about to come," Iris warns.
"Come then." I growl into her ear. Iris cries out, trembling and squeezing around me. I snarl and grunt, releasing inside her.
I lay beside her, kissing her and touching her. "Was that good?" I whisper to her.
Iris nods. "It was." She pets down my front. "I can't believe you're my husband."
"And you, my wife." I kiss her and sigh. "Such an honor."
We fall asleep spooning, her slight body curls fitting me perfectly. Before the sun rises an urgent rap on the doors brings me out of the lovely slumber with my new wife. The servant summons me to my chamber where I’m needed. One last kiss on the cheek of my beautiful human and I rise and dress and make my way to my room.
The next weekspass in a similar vein. Iris grows bolder exploring the fortress, no longer my timid mouse but one who holds her head high as she learns our ways. Some still whisper about the human interloper, but none dare voice their doubts directly, knowing she has my protection.
She takes morning meals privately in her room but joins me often for supper, listening raptly as I recount border patrols and quartermaster reports. The mundane details of rule seem to fascinate her. In turn I learn more of her life at the temple, simple though it was. An understanding builds between us, fragile as new ice over a pond.
One morning I am called to the main hall earlier than usual for an urgent meeting. All my captains stand gathered around the great table looking grim. I demand an explanation.
Althir steps forward, face like thunder. “Forgive the disruption, my lord. But our scouts have reported back with dire news. The werewolf clans have united under a new alpha. They gather en masse, preparing to strike.”
Cold fear grips my heart. Those vile beasts outnumber us fivefold. Only our defenses have kept them at bay up till now. If they attack united...
I strike my fist on the table, rattling goblets. “How soon?”
“A few weeks, no more. They mean to take us while the passes are still clear.”
I pace, thoughts racing. Our walls are strong, but with enough numbers and savagery, they could overwhelm our gates. We must prepare. Secure food stores for a siege, gather all fighters, send out riders for aid. Perhaps my southern kin will lend warriors.
I turn back to the waiting captains. “Make ready. We have much to do before the wolves are at our door.” They all thump fists over hearts before rushing out to follow my orders. All but Althir, who lingers, brow clouded.
“My lord...perhaps we should send the human woman away? Back to her people, for her own safety.”
My first instinct is to refuse. Iris is my wife, her place at my side. Yet the thought of war, of ravening beasts breaching these very halls... My gut twists imagining gentle Iris at their mercy. Perhaps Althir speaks wisdom. But the selfish part of me recoils from losing her light in my dark world.
“Let me think on it, old friend. We have some time yet.” Althir bows in acquiescence and takes his leave.
I stand alone now in the hall, tormented by impossible choices. Iris endangers me in ways I never foresaw, slipping past my guard when I can least afford weakness. With invading enemies poised to strike, I need clarity of purpose, not tender feelings for a human girl.
But the thought of sending Iris away into the bitter winter clenches my heart like a fist. She would never survive the long journey on her own. And I cannot spare men as escort, not now. Conflicting instincts war within me as I stare sightlessly at the stone walls.
A soft footfall draws me from my brooding. Iris stands framed in the doorway, smelling of anxiety.
“Vamen? Forgive me, but I heard grim it true invaders threaten?”