Page 75 of Heresy

“Yes, I’m leaving, and I’ll have someone else deal with getting my car back.”

Someone else?

For fuck’s sake…

Confusion is drowning me at this point, my hands clenching into fists because I have to stop her despite the cyborg she has protecting her.

“I suggest you walk away, Mr. Carter.”

My attention snaps back to the psychopath at the sound of my name. “How—”

His sneer curls even more. “Governor Callahan sends his regards.”

It’s all he has to say for me to realize I’m busted.

And fuck if that isn’t a serious problem.

From behind the wall of crazy, Brinley’s voice floats through the air. Not that I can see her; she’s easily hidden behind the governor’s secret weapon.

“Thanks for nothing, Shane. I don’t know why you stole my car, or who the hell you are, but you might as well crawl back under whatever rock you crawled out from. I want nothing…”

She pushes up on her tiptoes so she can see over his shoulder again, “And I meannothingto do with you ever again.”

Then her lips pucker in some fucked-up smirk like a mean girl who’s denying you a seat at her table, and fuck that. What’s worse is she doesn’t get the expression right. I’ve dealt with bitchy, mean girls all my damn life. I know what they look like. Brinley has never been one of them.

Which is a good sign.

It’s just too bad for the seriously fucked-up psychopath that’s keeping me from getting to her.

Knowing better than to take this guy on myself, I step back again and extend my arms out.

“Fine. You win.”

This round, I don’t add.

Because there will be another round.

Just as soon as I find out how Governor Callahan got involved in this.

Scott nods his head once like I made a good decision, but he doesn’t let me out of his sight.

Somehow moving to keep Brinley behind him and out of reach, he keeps his dark eyes on me while escorting her to the back door of the Rolls.

Once she’s safely tucked inside, he continues eyeing me on his way to the driver’s side. I swear the door slamming closed after he climbs in sounds like a big fuck you from the psycho driver and Governor Callahan combined.

Small rocks crunch under the tires of the Rolls as it slowly makes its way across the parking lot and back out into traffic, my body refusing to move out of place because my thoughts are trapped by the realization that Brinley is gone.

I don’t have the information.

And I get to face Tanner again to tell him.

Why does everything have to be a family meeting in this group? I swear, nothing can be a simple conversation likehey man, I messed up,with a response likethat sucks, what can we do to help?


It has to be an entire thing.