Page 69 of Heresy

“I thought you already finished the inspection. Priest said I need a new starter.”

“Right. That was the obvious problem. But I like to take a thorough look just to ensure your car is safe to drive out of here. We have a reputation to keep.”

“Right. As thieves,” she mutters.

Brinley pauses for a moment. Stares me down. But then she breathes out and grabs the pen. “Whatever. Just make it quick so I can leave.”

I laugh at that. “In a hurry to get somewhere?”

“Yeah,” she snaps, “as far away from you as possible.”

It’s a shame we had to meet on such unpleasant terms. Three times, apparently. The more I’m around this woman, the more she intrigues me.

I wouldn’t mind a few hours of exploring what lies beneath the T-shirt and jeans.

But by the way she looks at me like she wants me dead, I highly doubt that day will ever come.


Oh, this son of a bitch.

I knew the second he walked out of the office door that I was getting swindled. Priest seemed like a nice guy. I blame myself for believing it. I should have known better than to trust anyone, just like my father warned me.

But I trusted him anyway, and look where it landed me.


At least I finally learned Jackass’s name, not that he told me. A patch is sewn onto the left chest of his coveralls, the name threaded in black, much like the color of his soul.

Then again, for all I know, that isn’t his name at all. He could be wearing someone else’s coveralls, but it’s all I have to go on at the present moment.

This entire situation is making me feel like shit.

I mean … he didn’t even remember me. Three times we’ve run into each other, each time leaving me with alcohol all over my clothes, one time with him promising I’ll like him eventually, and then this.

It makes my blood boil hotter just to think about, when really, it shouldn’t.

I should be angry about a lot of things, but for some fucked-up reason only one thing pisses me off the most.

The night of the fight.

The night this Jackass, orShaneas his coveralls say, actually did one thing that could be considered commendable.

It was the only time he almost did something chivalrous. Yeah, punching the guy beside me was a bullshit move because violence is never the answer, but supposedly he did it to defend me.

And that made me feel a little better about myself. Not that it should have. It was just, for a few moments, I felt like someone special and not just another forgettable face in the crowd.

I hate admitting it to myself, but for a moment, I felt like I wasn’t boring or stereotypical.

But now? Now I realize I could have been any woman standing there. His teasing about my liking him was simply because I was female and had a set of tits.

It had absolutely nothing to do with me at all.

Fucking ladies’ man.

I can’t stand him.

Shane walks over to look at my car while I hastily scribble my information on the contract he handed me.