Page 12 of Heresy

I’m going to kill Ames when I get my hands on her.

For twenty minutes, I’ve been wandering around the governor’s party looking for a woman who should stand out among the crowd.

How hard can it be to find someone with mermaid hair and black skintight clothes among glittering gowns and fitted tuxedos?

Apparently, very hard.

By the time I’ve reached the conclusion that she found some poor guy to make her next victim, I finally see her in the garden.

A glass of champagne is in her hand as she walks from one tent to the next sampling finger foods from different silver trays. Her lips curve with mischief every time a person looks at her.

Marching over, I grab Ames’s shoulder and spin her to look at me.

“Seriously? I told you to stay where I could find you.”

With her violet eyes locked to me, she finishes off her champagne and sets the empty glass aside on a ledge.

“I saw you going upstairs with the older hottie, and I didn’t know how long it would take. Rather than standing around like a sideshow, I decided to get something to eat. Excuse me if I got lost.”

“Lost, my ass,” I laugh, tugging her with me back to the mansion.

It’s impossible to be mad at Ames. She may be a serious pain in the ass, but she’s genuine and loyal. She’s also the first person you can turn to when you have a problem, regardless of whether you just need a shoulder to cry on or a partner in crime.

“We have time,” she teases. “Granger won’t be too mad if he has to wait.”

Shaking my head, I refuse to let go of her as we step inside the mansion. Our steps are quick en route to the hallway that leads around the grand staircase.

“You’re going to lose your job one of these nights. Granger won’t put up with it for too long.”

While Myth is an obnoxious environment for me, it’s one of Ames’s main sources of income that keeps her in school. And while Granger puts up with her to a point, there will come a day he’s pushed too far.

“Slow your roll, Brinley. Have you seen the men walking around this place? Woman, there were identical twins. Twins! I met eyes with one of them and damn near melted to the ground. And did you hear that one woman begging some guy to give it to her harder? Right out in the open where anybody could hear her. I didn’t know the snooty knew how to have so much fun. I think I like this place.”

When I glance at her, she wiggles her brows.

Laughter is rolling over my lips as we round the staircase into the foyer, my steps quick until Ames pulls me back and angles her head to the right.

“I mean, look at those two. I bet they’re about five minutes from fucking out here in the open. Why have you never brought me to parties like this before?”

Turning to follow her line of sight, I stop dead in my tracks, my eyes tangling with a blue-eyed stare that lifts above the shoulder of a woman he has caged against the staircase.

It’s the arrogant jackass from earlier, the one who spilled his drink all over me then acted like I should apologize to him.

A crooked grin splits his lips as his eyes slide off me to land on Ames, interest obvious in the way his gaze runs down her body and back up again.

I grab Ames to continue to the exit. Annoyance runs down my spine to glance back and see the jerk’s eyes following our path.

Ames glances back as well. She lifts a hand to wiggle her fingers at him.

Rather than reacting, he returns his eyes to the woman against the staircase, smoothly dismissing us.

“That son of a bitch spilled a drink on me earlier and then yelled at me for it happening.”

Blue hair flies over Ames’s shoulders as she snaps her head my direction.

“Is that why your shirt is see-through?”

I glance down and roll my eyes.