Page 13 of Heresy

“Yes. We need to stop by my place so I can change.”

“Oh, thank god,” she teases. “I was worried you were actually going out in that.”

“Shut it. Just because you like to display everything nature gave you doesn’t mean the rest of us do.”

Wrapping an arm around me as we walk to the car, she laughs.

“Oh, just wait, my prudish friend. Soon, I’ll have you shaking your ass just as much as me.”

I highly doubt that. Not with my upbringing.

Being the daughter of an investigator teaches you real fast just how easily everything you do can be discovered.

I’ve lived a life being constantly reminded to be careful of what I say and do. There’s no telling when it can come back to haunt you.

If it’s not something you’d enjoy seeing go viral on social media or plastered on the front page of some seedy magazine, then the simple solution is never do it.

Ames won’t hear of it, though. We could be eighty-years old, and she’d still try to convince me to wear next to nothing out in public.

She smacks my ass, and I jump, both of us laughing as we climb in the car to leave.

The drive to my apartment takes twenty minutes. It takes me just a little less time than that to find an outfit suitable enough to cover me sufficiently and make Ames happy.

By the time we’re walking into Myth, the club is filled.

Heavy music pounds the walls while Granger stands at the bar. His lips stretch into a scowl when he checks his watch and pins Ames with a hard glare.

Leaning closer to her, I whisper a gentle reminder.

“I told you he’d be mad.”

She just smiles and shakes her head.

“He loves me. Give him five minutes tops before he’s chasing me. And then one dance and he’ll get over it. But you’re right... I should get going. Meet me upstairs for a drink later.”

With a wink, she leaves me to run up to Granger. He continues scowling at her until she pouts out her bottom lip. Desire floods his expression, and I laugh to think about how she’s been running that poor man around in circles for months.

Technically, management is not allowed to date the staff, but Granger has it hard for Ames, that fact apparent when she runs upstairs and he damn near breaks his neck turning his head to watch her go.

Granger’s not a bad looking guy either. A little dark for my taste, but I guess that’s par for the course at Myth.

The theme here tends to lean more toward the depraved and macabre. It’s a place with a million rules but very few morals.

Especially upstairs.

Which is why I tend to stay on the ground floor where it’s safe.

Quickly scanning the crowd, I spot a few girls from school taking up one of the black pleather booths in the back. Amy turns her head and sees me at the same time, a broad smile splitting her cheeks when she lifts an arm to wave me over.

I hold up a finger to tell her to give me a minute while I grab a drink, my eyes sneaking back to Granger where he stands staring up at the second floor.

Granger’s dark hair is long enough to brush the collar of his black button-down shirt. Wearing black slacks as well, he’s a shadow among the dancing lights of the club.

The only feature that is light about him is the glimmer of the silver buckle of his leather belt. Wearing boots instead of dress shoes, despite the dressy clothes, he continues watching the stairs for another minute before pushing away from the bar to head up.

I chuckle to myself to see Ames was right, although it took less time than she guessed it would for him to give in to temptation and follow her.

“What’ll it be tonight, Brin?”