Page 82 of Violence

It can’t be easy being the brother of a former student with a sex tape. Which might also explain why he’s been so mad at me lately.

“Whatever,” he mumbles before heading out to move his car.

I arrive at the mall twenty minutes later and shoot off a text from the parking lot. Ivy responds, telling me to meet them in the food court.

Coming here today wasn’t a top priority for me, not with what I have to do later, but it’s so rare for Ava to have time to hang out with us that I didn’t want to miss the opportunity.

As kids, Ava, Ivy and me were thick as thieves, but after they went off to college, and Ava somehow ended up with Mason, things have changed.

Ivy and I still see each other almost every other day, but Ava spends most of her free time with Mason now.

Which, honestly, I don’t understand. He was always such a dick to me. From what Ava says, that man will bend over backwards for her, so I’m happy for them.

Spotting them as soon as I reach the top of the escalator, I force a smile on my face and pretend I don’t have the weight of the world sitting uncomfortably on my shoulders.

It’s the same old pressure as usual.

The marriage.

The twins.

A world of hurt I know is coming for everybody on the day I finally sayI do.

Trying not to think about that, or what else I’m doing today, I run up to their table and hug them both.

“Woman, it’s about damn time,” Ivy says, her blue eyes sparkling. “What took you so long? We almost gave up on you.”

“Dylan blocked me in with his fancy schmancy Porsche. I had to wake his ass up to get him to move it, but then I ran into my dad who read me the riot act.”

Ava cocks a brow in question, but Ivy only grins.

“Probably has something to do with you fucking the twins this past weekend, right? Girl, you’re brave. That’s all I have to say about that.”

“Again?” Ava asks, true surprise on her face. “I thought you cut them off after high school.”

Before I can answer, Ivy asks, “I mean, can you fault her, though? Who wouldn’t want to take on those two? They were nice to look at in high school, but they grew up to become something else.”

Ava shakes her head. “They scare the crap out of me.”

“That’s part of the fun,” Ivy says, laughter coating her voice.

I have to cut this off before it goes too far. The last thing I want to talk about is the twins. Especially with this screwed up six weeks of friendship I’m facing.

“First, I didn’t fuck them.”

“In my dad’s office,” Ivy interrupts, glancing at Ava. “It’s like she was trying to get caught.”

“Okay, that wasn’t planned,” I argue. “And you have no room to talk after giving Gabriel your phone number.”

“Oh, please,” Ivy says brushing it off, “Gabe is child’s play. I have him handled.”

She always thinks she has him handled. And while I’ll agree Ivy can take care of herself, Gabriel Dane has never been good for her.

Ava doesn’t look convinced either.

If anything, she looks worried.

“I think you both should avoid all of the Inferno guys at this point. They don’t play fair.”