Page 75 of Violence

Rather than answering, Ishowhim the truth in that by keeping my eyes locked to his while biting the tip of his finger.

Just as I thought, sparks erupt behind his eyes until there’s fire, the amber color now molten as his pupils dilate, and his lips slightly part.

I don’t have to touch him to know how tight his muscles are, how still his body is as he fights to keep from taking what we both know he wants.

With effort, he pulls his hand away, his voice rough as sandpaper when he says, “Not anymore, Em. You broke us when you walked away.”

He breaks me every day just by existing. But I don’t tell him that.

Hell, not just every day.

Every hour.

Every minute.

Every second.

“Six weeks,” he reminds me softly. “That’s it.”

I want to tell him no. Want to explain and argue and yell about how this isn’t a good idea. That it can only lead to more pain.

But I have a job to do. Another agreement I made that I have to follow through. What Ezra is suggesting will only make it easier.

“Fine. But you can’t be the only person making demands. I have one, too.”

A flicker of a grin as his eyes dance with mine.

“What’s your demand?”

Exhaling slowly, I attempt to balance myself, to calm my thoughts and will my heart to stop racing.

“For every week of friendship I give you and Damon, you’ll give me what I’ve always wanted.”

His shoulders tense, but curiosity rolls behind a pair of eyes that watch me constantly from all the shadowed places in my mind.

“And what’s that?”

“The truth,” I answer. “Six parts of it, at least. I want to know what was done to you and Damon on those weekends you were away.”

Instantly defensive, he bristles and glares at me, but I refuse to back down.

“Six parts. Six clues. I’m not asking for the full story. But just enough that I no longer feel left in the dark. One per week, Ezra. As part of ourfriendship.”

He doesn’t answer, so I push my argument a bit further and toss his words right back at him.

“For Damon,” I say. “That is, if it’s true you’ll doanythingfor him.”

“It’s not only my story to tell,” he growls, his eyes narrowing on me as he steps closer.

I cross my arms over my chest and tilt my chin in refusal to look away from his angry stare.

“Then tell me your parts and not his. That’s the agreement I’m willing to make with you.”

Fury flashes across his expression. If Ezra hates anything, it’s being cornered. But he surprises me when he laughs softly and shakes his head.

“Still a queen, I see. One who has no concern about the dangers that snap at her feet.”

I have absolutely no idea what that means, but I’ll go with it.