Page 73 of Violence

That’s the damage he causes without any effort at all.

And it only makes me angrier.

“Then why the hell are you here? I didn’t do anything to Damon except tell him the truth that the three of us have nothing left. What did you want me to do? Lie to him?”

Ezra moves toward me, lowering his head in that feral way of his, stealing all of my vision so that he’s the only thing I see.

It makes my heart race just like when we were kids, my pulse pounding so hard I’m sure he can see it flutter in my neck. But I still won’t back down or take a step away. I won’t give him that satisfaction.

“I’m more concerned about you kissing him. Or was that the truth you were telling him as well?”

My eyes narrow on his.

“He kissed me.”

“You say that like there’s a difference. It’s all tongue and spit regardless of who started it, Em. Do me a favor, and don’t lie to me either.”

My hands fist again. The motion only draws his attention and causes him to laugh.

“If you need to hit me, I’ll give you one shot. Anywhere you want.”


I would never hurt him.

Not after -

I relax my hands, and he grins to see it.

“If you’ve come here to make me feel like shit, then you’ve accomplished it. I have no plans to see you or Damon again, so you can leave now. Problem solved.”

He traps my chin with his fingers, his thumb rubbing over my lips in a tease of what we used to be.

“Unfortunately, that won’t do. And it’s not exactly what I’m thinking.”

I yank my face away from him and finally give ground. But I’m not stepping back because he’s won this fight, I’m doing it because I can’t be that close to him and think clearly.

It hurts too much.

And it’s too damn tempting.

Eventually, Ezra steps back as well to lean against my door. I don’t miss the fact he’s blocking the only exit, quietly holding me here as if it’s not intentional.

“I’ve been riding around all day deciding how exactly I wanted to cut you off.”

I laugh at that.

“Well, it’s simple, really. You turn your ass around, open my door, walk down the hall, exit through the front door, get on your bike, and then vroom vroom your way out of here.”

Flashing me another grin, he says, “That’s too easy. And running away without a word is more your style, not mine. I think you know you owe us all something, and I’d hate to let it go.”

Damn it.

“I never asked any of you assholes for a favor, so I -“

“This isn’t a price. But you still owe us. Me especially.” He pauses for a second, his voice softer. “And Damon.”

My heart thuds a painful beat. But I can’t claim to be surprised. I’ve known for the past few days it would come to this.