Page 45 of Violence


Good for him.

I step away to put space between us, but he moves to close it just as quick.

Fighting not to roll my eyes, I flash another quick smile.

“I’m sure whoever you’re marrying is lovely.”

“It’s Hillary, actually. You remember her from high school, right?”

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

Although, I have to admit they’re perfect for each other. Both are conniving snakes in the grass.

I haven’t seen her around tonight, so I thank the heavens she didn’t make it.

“Of course, I remember her. It’s a shame she couldn’t be here tonight.”

He grins. “Actually, she’s just running late. She should be here any minute now.”

Perfect. As if this night couldn’t get any worse.

Sadly, the only thing I can look forward to is also the worst thing for me.

Several times now, I’ve stared at the house regretting the agreement I made with Ezra to meet him upstairs.

I’d almost made up my mind to stay outside instead of following through with it. But now that I know Hillary will be here, I have more of a need to take him up on his offer than ever.

ThegoodEmily knows that staying outside is the respectable choice. The intelligent choice. But thebadEmily is already practically skipping up those stairs, her body primed and ready for whatever present the twins have for her.

“Listen,” Paul says, dragging my attention back to him. “I wanted to apologize for-“

His voice trails off when Ivy returns.

Thanking God for her perfect timing, I wrap my arm through hers and can’t help but worry.

She’s shaking which is so unlike her. Nothing scares Ivy, not like this.

I take the opportunity to excuse myself and walk a few steps away from Paul.

“What did he want?” I ask her, my voice intentionally soft.

Pasting on her fake smile so that nobody can see the fear I know is there, Ivy shakes her head.


If we were anywhere else, I would demand an answer. I glance over my shoulder to see everybody staring our direction, so I keep my questions to myself.

What are best friends for, right?

She needs to stay in character, so I slip into mine as well.

We spend the next twenty minutes smiling and nodding at the boring ass conversation around us, and I keep stealing peeks at the back doors of the Governor’s mansion.

They’re held open like a tease, just begging me to walk through and bite the poisoned apple.

I know better.