Page 41 of Violence

Just this once, I promise myself.

Just for old time’s sake.


“What did she say?”

Damon steps up next to me as I approach the grand staircase, his hands tucked casually in his pockets as we ascend the steps at the same speed.

Around us, people glance quickly our direction and away again, their curiosity and healthy fear of the infamous twin brothers apparent.

“What do you think she said? This is Emily we’re talking about.” I cut him a look. “Or have you forgotten how it is with us?”

Damon grins, his long-legged stride in perfect step with mine once we reach the second floor.

Several people nod and move out of our way as we walk to the room where we were told to wait for Tanner.

“I thought she might put up more of a fight than that.”

Grinning, I remember the way Emily fights. There’s more fire inside her than most people know.

“She will,” I say, my hand on the knob of the door, “which is why we’ll have to make sure she doesn’t have the chance to change her mind.”

Turning to look at my brother, I lift a brow.

“We made her a promise.”

Soft laughter shakes his chest.

“How will we keep her from running?”

Memories assault me, nights spent sweaty and mystified, a beautiful girl dancing when she was in a place where she was free to be herself.

“Cage her in. Just like old times.”

His grin matches mine as I open the door and walk inside to find six bored as fuck assholes waiting around for a shitshow we’ve known was coming for most of our lives.

I study Mason first and smirk at the way he’s crumpled in a wingback chair, his eyes closed and legs stretched out in front of him over the floor. A bottle of whiskey is loosely held in his fingers where he dangles it against the side of the chair.

Beside him, Jase, Sawyer and Shane are kicked back on a leather couch, their ties undone and collars unbuttoned. Only Shane looks up at me to tip his chin in silent greeting.

Down the line, Taylor and Gabriel also look like they have better places to be. As usual, Gabriel is standing by a makeshift bar pouring another drink.

“You steal those bottles, or what?” I ask laughing.

Gabe glances at me.

“It was either that or knock Mason the fuck out. The asshole won’t stop bitching about Ava.”

My shoulders shake with a bark of laughter.

“If you need someone to knock him out, I’m here.”

“Fuck off, Ezra,” Mason grumbles from his chair. “Ava won’t answer her phone. She’s pissed about this engagement.”

I’m not sure why. We’ve all known it would come to this since we were kids.

Although, I can’t exactly blame Ava for her anger. Not when the engagement has left me wanting to tear the world apart to stop it a few times myself.