Page 36 of Violence

There’s more to that promise than this. Than right now.


The only question is how much of what he offers will I be willing to accept?

I suck in a breath and blow it out slowly, making a decision that could be bad, or could be good.

The consequences don’t matter as much to me as stealing the power to make that decision myself.

I’m stealing this part of my life.

This moment.

This tiny chapter of my lifelong story.

“I’m sure.”

Heat rolls behind an amber gaze that will always render me helpless.

When his hand moves to pull down the zipper at the back of my dress, and when he lowers his head to kiss me as the dress slides off my body, I close my eyes as a promise whispers in my head.

Just six weeks...and in those weeks, a lifetime of choices.



People say time can pass in the blink of an eye. I never understood the expression.

Time, for me at least, has passed slowly. A turtle’s low-bellied crawl toward the inevitable. I’ve dragged my heels my entire life, never wanting to reach the inevitable.

But now, ten years after two boys attached themselves to me in so many ways, time is slipping through my fingers like water.

No matter how much I wish I could hold on, it flies past, and I’m left with only a few more years, two at most, before Emily Donahue dies her final death and becomes Emily Strom.

Thanks to what started as six weeks of fun, I’ve had the past ten years to live my life as I wanted.

For as magical as the past few years have been, it’s been frustrating as well.

I’ve had my heart broken, something I never thought could happen.

But I’ve also learned to patch it back together again.

I’ve become stronger.

Rid myself of the shell.

I’ve been crazy and wild and carefree.

I packed a lifetime into the years I had before this night.

And I have two boys to thank for it, even if I haven’t spoken to them since they left for college after the weeks we had together.

“Anybody important show up yet?”

Chuckling at Ivy’s question, I wonder if I should tell her I’m watching Gabriel Dane step out of a limo outside the front of her father’s mansion.

“Anybody in particular you’re looking for?”