Page 182 of Violence

I glance at him. “I need to pick up Ivy from her dad’s house.”


“I don’t know.”

He sits up and drops his feet to the floor. “I’ll go with you.”


There’s concern in his eyes, and a cold temper.

“I don’t trust her dad, and with everything going on, I don’t want you over there by yourself.”

“I won’t be anywhere near him-“

“Don’t argue with me on this,” he says, already pulling his boots on and tying the laces. “Plus, I have a few hours left. So I’m going with you.”

Frustration rolls through me.

“Are you seriously going to hold me to the last minute?”


The hard bite to his voice on that answer worries me. It doesn’t sound like someone who is letting go.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

I don’t have the time to argue with him, nor do I have the energy. He’s tapped me out of every bit of fight I have left to give. I’m like a damn boxer backed into their corner with both eyes swollen shut and my jaw broken. No, I’m not technically down for the count, but I might as well be.

“Whatever. Let’s just go.”

Forty minutes later, I watch Ivy run over to my car. I’m parked down the street where I used to pick her up every time she snuck out of the house.

After flashing me a wicked grin as she moves past to jump in back, she smacks her hand on the back of my seat and slams the door.

“We need to go. Like now. Foot on the gas and all that.”

“Why?” I ask, following her instructions and taking off. “Where are we going?”

“At this point, we just need to haul ass before my dad gets home and realizes what I did.”

“What did you-“

Ezra’s phone chirps, cutting me off. While he’s checking that, I’m rounding a corner far too fast and hauling ass away from her dad’s house.

“I need to find Gabriel,” Ivy explains. “Right now. He might be at Tanner’s.”

“He is,” Ezra says with a grumble. “They just texted me telling me to go there.”

“Perfect. Because Tanner is going to want to see this as well.”

“What is going on?” I ask, thoroughly confused by this entire situation.

“I’ll explain when we get there so I don’t have to repeat myself. Just drive like the wind.”

Not that we have that far to go. Our neighborhoods are near each other.

All of us are quiet on the drive over, but it’s Ezra’s silence that bothers me the most. His jaw is tense, and he keeps tapping his fingers on his leg.