Page 179 of Violence

“What led you to that conclusion?”

Another grin, so boyish that I want to reach out and smooth away the frustration wrinkling his skin.

“A family meeting.”

“A what?”

“That’s what we call it when all the guys get together. Anyway, Gabe was getting Ivy under control and -“

Instantly, I’m on the defensive. Ivy might be strong, but she’s still my best friend.

“What was he doing to her?”

He laughs.

“Easy, killer. It’s fine. No need to go psycho on Gabe. They worked it out.”

I relax, but only slightly.

Making a mental note to call Ivy, I ask, “And that led you to this how?”

He shakes his head, the frustration even more pronounced now.

Pushing to his feet with a growl, Ezra paces. I recognize he needs to release the energy, that just touching on how he feels drives him to this point.

There’s nothing here for him to hit. No barrier to break down. It’s just simple truth while facing a part of himself he’d rather avoid.

I guess this is what happens when the cold anger melts. The ice is gone, and all that’s left is the fury.

“It wasn’t the meeting itself, it was just seeing how Gabe gets Ivy and Tanner gets Luca. And what do I get?” His eyes snap my direction. “Nothing. I certainly don’t get you.”

The tone of his voice stabs at my heart, but I hold strong, remembering all the reasons this has to happen.

“And that’s what led you to realize you’ve been a complete ass these past six weeks?”

He grins at that, both hands driving through his hair as he stops to look at me.

“No. That was because a few people told me I’ve been a complete ass. And I think they’re right.”

“They are right,” I say with laughter in my voice. “So why did you just now realize it?”

“Because I want what Gabe and Tanner have. But there’s nothing I can do about it. Just like there was nothing I could do about what happened to Damon and me. Just like there’s nothing I can do about your engagement to Mason or how Damon feels about you. Just like there was nothing I could do after you fucked us over in high school and we left. I can’t do anything. About any of it!”

Swallowing down the knot in my throat and ignoring the way he’s yelling now, I agree with him.

“No. You can’t. Which is why this has to happen.”

It’s killing me to watch him admit this. To witness him finally seeing the truth of what makes him so angry.

“There has to be something I can do,” he begs.

I shake my head, those damn tears returning.

“There isn’t. There never has been.”

“Why?” he roars before cursing under his breath and turning away from me.

He’s falling apart in front of my eyes. Fighting himself. His violence turned inward. And although I want to go to him and soothe that pain, I know it won’t solve anything.