Page 171 of Violence

Priest just shakes his head and chuckles, while Shane stares at me like I’m an idiot.

“Nothing,” Priest answers, “it’s just that if anybody deserves an award for protecting the girl, it’s your brother. Normally, you’re not this dense, Ezra. So that woman must have you seriously fucked up in the head.”

“What did I miss?”

Priest laughs again and glances at Shane. “Do you want to tell him?”

“Tell me what?”

I’m about to pop both of them in the jaw for the looks on their faces. Just two quick jabs to get my point across. No, it wouldn’t make this conversation move along faster, but it’ll make me feel better.

Shane pinches the skin between his eyes then rubs his hand over his head.

“Damon didn’t say that to agree with you about ending things. He said it to keep you away from Emily.”

I laugh at that.

“For what?”

“So you stop treating her like shit, apparently,” Priest answers. “Damn, man, you have it bad if that’s the shit you’re pulling.”

I still in place, mostly ignoring Priest’s outburst to lock eyes with Shane. He simply nods and lifts his brows in agreement.

“I’m not the problem-“

“Yeah, you are,” Shane argues. “Hate to break it to you, but Damon’s right to keep you away from her.”

He says that like he knows everything. And since I’m tired of being smacked down for all of this crap, I blow out a breath and thinkfuck it.

“You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew the truth of what’s going on.”

“Then tell me what’s going on.”

Damn it.

“Only if you promise to keep it to yourself until I figure it out. I don’t want this getting back to Tanner or Gabe. I especially don’t need Damon finding out.”

Another lift of his brows.

“Emily has been talking to William.”

Shane stills in place, his expression hard, his eyes assessing. With one blink, he wipes away his initial concern and asks, “Did she tell you that?”

“No, I saw her at his house.”

“And what were you doing at his house?”

My jaw clenches tight.

“Just driving by.”

I don’t like the expression on Shane’s face. He’s obviously pissed, whether at me or Emily, I don’t know. But now I’m worried he’ll run this information straight to Tanner.

“Did you ask her why she was there?”

“Of course, I asked her,” I bark. “She told me she was trying to get information out of him about what was happening on the weekends we were dragged away. She was annoyed I wouldn’t tell her.”

That seems to appease him, his shoulders relaxing.