Page 168 of Violence

But then I see Gabe step in, and I quicken my pace to find somewhere to hide for a while.

I can’t take any more of this, can’t handle having my love tossed in my face like it means nothing.

If that means I have to leave them both, then that’s what I’ll do.

Just like after high school.

Regardless of what it does to me in the process.


The ride back to town was pure torture. I’m not going to lie. It was like chewing glass, my teeth clenched tight, jaw aching and the tense silence slicing my skin with every mile we drove.

With Ivy up front and Gabe driving, Damon, Emily and I were stuck in back, Emily not talking to me, and Damon not talking to either of us.

Gabe and Ivy attempted to fill the silence a few times, but gave up when all they got in return were three angry glares.

Emily sat in the middle, and every time our elbows accidentally brushed together or our thighs touched, she’d sneer in my direction and scoot closer to Damon.

Unfortunately for her, Damon would just growl because she was taking up his space, so she’d scoot my direction again.

It was a back and forth the entire time, and pure relief when Gabriel dropped Emily off at her house. But the relief quickly faded when Damon and I glanced at each other and turned to stare out our windows.

Gabe must have been feeling it since he practically peeled out of our driveway after dropping us at home, the tires leaving small marks on the concrete. Not that I can blame him.

This entire situation is bullshit. I’d want to haul ass, too, if I could. But that’s not the case, so instead I stalk inside the house behind my brother, taking notice of the tension in his jaw and shoulders, as well as the way he eyes me like I’ve got a target on my face.

“Do you need to take a shot?” I ask.

“If I take a shot this will end up bloody.”

“Probably because I’ll beat your ass.”

He rounds on me, both of us squaring off now that we’re nose to nose. I was just kidding - kind of - but, shit. If this is where we are then I’m fine with it.

“Say what you need to say, little brother.”

“Stop calling me that.”

I grin. Damon’s temper is at the surface. But maybe this is what needs to happen. We both need to get through this. We need to work it out, and none of that can happen if we keep circling around each other.

“Then tell me what you’re thinking. Obviously, you have plenty to say.”

His eyes narrow, not much, just enough to let me know he’s holding himself back.

“Why did you do that to Red?”

My brows crash together. I know he’s mad, but I didn’t expect him to come out in defense of her. Not first thing, at least.

“I wasn’t doing anything toher.I was showing you what you’ve had a problem accepting since I told you we’re done.”

His grin matches mine.

“You’ve had it out for Red since the beginning. You’ve insulted her. Disrespected her.Usedher, apparently. And still, she cares about you. She loves you. Shewantsyou.”

He slams his palms against my shoulders, and I step back to keep my balance.

“Do you have any idea how fucking lucky you are? Can you appreciate at all what it means for a woman like her to want you?” he roars, a haze of anger painting his face red.