Page 148 of Violence


“Why what?” Damon asks, his arm slipping around my back as we walk. He hooks his fingers over my hip and tugs me close.

“Why is he doing that to Ivy?”

He laughs.

“It probably has something to do with her destroying his house, taking out all our tires, dumping him in Tanner’s front yard-“

I glance up at him, and he grins but presses a finger against his mouth to tell me to keep that secret.

“She’ll be fine. You know how they are.”

He’s right about that. Sadly, it does nothing to make me feel any better, especially when he walks me downstairs to where the rest of the Inferno is waiting.

Quickly glancing at Tanner, I startle to see a woman sitting next to him, the same pretty brunette I last saw running from him at the party.

This must be the infamous girlfriend, and for as curious as I am to find outwhyshe would date someone like Tanner, I bite my tongue to keep from saying anything.

I look away from them to see Mason staring at me with warning behind his eyes, but it’s Shane’s stare that stops me in place, our eyes locking together from where he’s kicked back on the couch with his foot propped against the coffee table.

It’s obvious he’s not happy to see me with Damon’s arm draped around my body, but he quickly looks past us in the next second to where Ezra is standing.

I can feel the air grow cold behind my back, can feel those cruel hands and icy temper scraping down my spine.

None of these guys are happy, especially Ezra, and there’s nowhere I can run to escape.


I’m about one bad decision away from starting a war. One violent act. One thoughtless reaction.

Somehow managing to keep my distance while Damon walks Emily down the hall, I clench my teeth to see his hand snake around her back to slide over her hip.


The fucking word is on repeat in my head, every whisper of it pushing me closer to ripping his arm away and breaking it for touching her.

It’s just a bone.

It’ll heal.

Damon would be fine.

Unfortunately, it’s not the physical damage I have to worry about in this particular moment.

It’s the simple fact my brother would know I’m full of shit about what I’ve told him.

It’s also the truth that if I get violent with him, there’s nobody in this house who can stop us.

So I do nothing. I walk behind them without saying a word, careful not to fist my hands, and struggling like a madman not to rush forward and rip her from his hold.

Shane sees the truth of what I’m thinking the instant we get downstairs, his stare locked on me from over Emily’s shoulder, a silent warning for me to keep my hands to myself.

None of this should matter. I can’t want her. I can’t have her. I should fuckinghateher. And I still don’t know what she’s doing with William. My first thought shouldn’t be that I need to touch her. I shouldn’t have made the stupid mistake of kissing her.

Yet that’s exactly what I did, just as soon as I had the first opportunity. And I’m not stupid enough to believe that if given the chance now, I wouldn’t drag her back in that room and take my time tasting every inch of her.

Which means I need to get the hell out of this cabin.