Page 134 of Violence

There’s more to this than Ezra understands. The pieces he gives me are vital. The trips I’ve made to his father’s. It’s all just another game being played that I can’t walk away from now, no matter how much I want.

After getting home with Ivy, all I did was take a twenty minutes shower. Yet when I stepped out...she was gone.

Just vanished.

Like I hadn’t just brought her to my house.

Like I hadn’t just saved her from Gabriel’s grasp.

Like I was losing my damn mind and had imagined all of it.

Which, at this point, is entirely possible.

Now, I’m walking down the hall to where my idiot brother is partying with his friends, my eyes burning from the cloud of pot smoke, my ears bleeding from the loud music pumping out of the room.

I shout to be heard over it.

“Have any of you seen Ivy?”

Dylan and his five buddies crack up like my question is the funniest thing in the world.

“We sold her,” the dipshit closest to me answers, “for five hundred dollars.”

The rest of them cackle harder, one jerk falling out of his chair because he’s probably too stoned and drunk to hold himself up. Meanwhile, Dylan turns to look at me with pure malice in his eyes.

“What do you mean you sold her?”

“We gave her up to Gabe, slutty sis. Fucker just left with her.”

Ignoring the name he called me - because apparently what happened with Ezra last night taught himnothing- I march back to my room to call Ivy and find out if Dylan is telling the truth.

Unfortunately, her phone rings from her purse that she left in my closet.


I try not to panic. It’s not like Gabriel will actually harm her. If anything, he’ll just drive her to a point of gouging his eyes out and running away again.

Ivy is a smart girl, and I have no doubt she’ll escape within a few hours, which means I should keep my phone handy for when she calls.

What does surprise me is that Gabriel was able to abduct Ivy at all. She’s not exactly the type of idiot to jump into a person’s white van, even if she was sold off by my asshole for a little brother.

Which makes me wonder if Ivy hadn’t gone with Gabe willingly.

I’m not even a hundred percent sure Ivy doesn’t want to be with him. It wouldn’t surprise me at all for those two to end up together. I just wonder if the world would survive whatever they could do if they ever decided to team up.

Sadly, it’s the least of my problems, and I’m reminded of that fact when the doorbell rings.

My eyes shut, and I toss up a silent prayer that Ezra is in a better mood today, especially with my brother and his idiot friends already causing problems.

I make it down the hall to see that neither Dylan nor his friends got up to answer the door. Then again, I highly doubt any of them heard the bell over the music.

Taking a steadying breath, I ready myself for the impact of Ezra’s pissed off stare, but step back in surprise when it’s Damon on the other side.

He gives me a crooked grin.

“You look surprised to see me.”

His eyes don’t match the expression he’s wearing, but I can’t read what’s behind them.