Page 128 of Violence

Her body shivers, and I swallow down a groan to feel it.

My hungry gaze traces the shape of her full mouth as she chews at her bottom lip. It’s a nervous habit I’m not sure she knows about, but one I’ve always noticed and appreciated.

“Where were you taken?” she asks, her voice breathless and demure, her round eyes flicking up to meet mine.

I study the dark color of her thick lashes, so long the tips brush her skin.

Emily doesn’t blink, doesn’t dare look away from the threat staring her down.

“To a warehouse.”

“Your dad’s?”


“Someone else’s?”

I breathe her in, lean in to rub my cheek against hers.


A light scraping sound catches my attention. I look down to where her hand touches the door. Emily’s fingers curl so slowly that her nails are scratching the wood.

“Where’s the warehouse?”

My eyes lift back to hers, my hand lifting so I can tangle my fingers with the end of her long red hair, giving it a quick, playful tug.

Emily’s eyes soften to pure liquid, a sea that is still calm despite the storm fast approaching.

“Is this your next question? You should be careful what you ask and how you ask. You only have two left.”

The back of my hand brushes the side of her breast on accident. Still, we both react, my body growing hard as hers melts with compliance.

I press my mouth to her ear. “Answer me.”

“No,” she says before clearing her throat in an attempt to add more strength to her words. “That’s not my question.”

Another pause, and I swear I can hear her thoughts rising and falling, one question switched for another and another and another, until she settles on one.

“The bruises. Who gave them to you?”

“Which bruises? There were always so many.”

Her nails scratch against the door harder.

A momentary pause, Emily’s breath held, her eyes blinking slowly as she turns her head to speak against my cheek.

“All of them?”

Her answer makes me laugh.

“Nice try, killer. You’ll need to be more specific than that.”

“The ones I first saw. The ones I kissed when you first showed me-“

I press my thumb to her lips, partly because of the memory she’s dredging up, but mostly because I can’t help myself.

Blinking her eyes rapidly, Emily shudders. She’s fighting something.