Page 111 of Violence

They loved.

They fought for me even when I didn’t want them to.

My anger for that bet has more to do with Mason, and I won’t let him forget it.

“You’re right,” I begin to say, not expecting him to lean in closer to me, for his hips to part my legs, for him to cup my face between his hands and press his forehead to mine.

“I know I’m right.”

“No, that’s not what I was saying-“

It’s too late.

Damon is quick to anger.

He’s quick to fight.

He’s quick to take every opportunity that sits in front of him without thinking about what damage it might cause.

And he’s too damn quick to love.

Regardless of who gets hurt.

His mouth is on mine, hot and soft, wet and demanding, our lips parting as his tongue rushes out, filling me with everything he’s feeling.

I’d be a liar to claim I’m not affected, a liar to pretend my body doesn’t light up at his touch.

But it’s not the same.

It willneverbe the same.

And that’s why I can’t lead him on now.

Grabbing his head much like he’s holding mine, I try to pull away, but he’s so damn strong and so damn insistent.

He burns, this man, a scorching heat that singes my skin and wrecks my organs. Melting when he touches you is never your fault because he’s so full of life, he’s blinding.

Only when he shows himself, though.

Only when he opens up to reveal the person hiding beneath his anger.

“Why am I not fucking surprised about this?”

Now I’m cold.

So fucking frozen that I can feel my muscles ice over and my bones snap apart. My lungs won’t draw in a breath, my heart has run to hide, my pulse is a sluggish, painful thud to hear Ezra’s voice beside us.

Damon pulls away from me and turns to look at his brother. I can’t will myself to do the same.

Instead, I clench my eyes shut like a coward, I bow my head to let my hair fall forward, I want to curl up in a ball and die.

All Ezra does is laugh. Not like this is funny, but more like he’s about to flay the skin from both our bodies before walking away to let us bleed to death.


“No, it’s cool, Damon. You don’t need to say a thing. I should have known someone would be up to her old tricks. I should have seen this exact fucking thing coming.”

My fingers curl into my palms, his razor-sharp accusation slicing deep, just the way he’d intended.