Page 104 of Violence

On a deep exhale, I push my body up from the bed and swing my legs over the side. My head falls back as I roll my neck, my teeth grinding together because of the fight it is to just get up and fucking go.

Another heavy breath and I’m on my feet, walking through the dark toward her door, my body hesitating again as my hand touches the knob, and I turn back to look at her.

After staring at her for another minute and quietly convincing myself to leave, I walk out of the room and into a hall lined with a younger pack of prep school brats that remind me of us at that age.

Fuck, we must have been annoying.

Unfortunately, the smirk on my face quickly disappears as soon as I walk past three punks who make a joke of thewrongfucking thing.

“Wonder if they’re making more videos? Although there’s only one of the twins this time.”

His buddies snort as my eyes snap their direction, but Funny Guy is too busy flapping his trap to realize I have my stare locked on him.

“Can’t wait to see the new shit and rub Dylan’s nose in it.”

He’s still chuckling it up, but his friends have their wide-eyed stares directed at me, both of them shooting him looks silently begging him to shut the fuck up.

Too late.

I’m heading their direction.

It sucks for them that I’m already on edge after what just happened with Emily.

The two buddies back up as far as they can while Funny Guy finally comes to the realization that someone is standing behind him.

Slowly turning, his eyes lift to my face, his throat bobbing as he swallows.

I grin down at him, not that he’s much smaller than me, not in height anyway.

“How old are you?”

Confusion floods his terrified eyes at my question, his mouth opening and closing a few times before he takes a step back, and I step forward.

“Your age. What is it?”

“W-why?” he stutters, his cracking voice sounding like he’s about three seconds from pissing himself.

My grin widens. “Tell me.”

“Eighteen,” he stammers, obviously well aware of what I’m known for.

Voice deceptively calm, I answer, “That’s good.”


“It means you’re legal.”

Funny Guy goes down hard when my fist cracks his face, one fucking punch and he’s on hands and knees at my feet, spitting out blood, his body buckling in pain.

I pick him up by his hair and slam his head against the wall to get my point across one more time before dropping him again.

My eyes snap to his two friends next.

“What about you two? Did you want to keep talking about something that’s none of your fucking business?”

They both shake their heads hard enough to give themselves brain damage.

Chaos erupts around us, some kids laughing, a few shouting, the crowd backing up when I turn around to run my stare over all of them.