Page 87 of Violence

“We’ll need a way to transport him,” she says, flicking a quick glance at me again.

Damon runs a hand through his hair and looks my direction.

“We could use Priest’s van.”

My brows lift at that, and I settle against my seat.

“Give Shane a call and let him know. He and Priest are at a bike show, but I’m sure he has a set of spare keys laying around.”

“Thanks for this. I knew I could count on you two.”

Damon leans toward Em and cups her face with his hands, his forehead pressing against hers as he traps her eyes with his predatory gaze.

A low growl sounds in my throat before I can stop it. If the fucker attempts to kiss her, I might launch myself across this table.

I wouldn’t permanently hurt my brother, but I’m not opposed to smacking him upside the head fifty to a hundred times.

But only because what he’s doing breaks the friend rule, I tell myself. Not because I’m feeling so damn possessive right now I want to lick every inch of Emily’s skin to stake my claim.

“Anything for you,” he says to her, but leaves it at that before letting her go as a waitress approaches the table.

After giving her our orders, Damon leaves the table to call Shane, and I glare across at Em, my jaw tight and my voice a rough warning.

“It would be nice if you’d stop leading him on so much. Why not just throw yourself in his lap? It would save us a lot of time.”

Her gaze narrows and jaw drops. I grin at the way the skin crinkles between her eyes, pure fire behind that stare.

I won’t even try to lie and claim it’s easy to stay on my side of the table and not reach across to drag her to me.

“You can fuck off with that. You’re the one who wanted this, not me. I’m not leading anybody on. We’re just being friends. And maybe you should take some fucking notes by watching Damon so you can learn how to be a decent guy for once instead of being such an arrogant ass all the time.”

My brows shoot up at that, but I gain control of my expression and smirk. It only pisses her off more.

“Same tricks, killer. Seducing guys for the fucking fun of it. Apparently we’re not only in your head still, you want us buried deep inside your body as well.”

Her angry eyes flare, and fuck if it doesn’t make me want to force her jaw open so I can kiss her in a way that reminds her exactly who she belongs to.

Slamming her forearms against the table, she leans toward me, her lips a thin line and her shirt falling lower so I’m getting a nice view of her tits.

When my eyes drop down and back up again, the corner of her mouth quirks. “Like what you see?”

“Actually, yeah.”

“Then take a good, long look, Ezra. Because that’s all you’ll be doing since I’ll never let you touch me again.”

I lean forward to mirror her posture, our faces only inches away.

“That’s a nice lie you’re telling yourself. It’s a shame I don’t believe it.”

She leans closer to me.

“That’s a nice fantasy you have, but you might want to wake up and realize I’m not yours to boss around anymore.”


This isn’t working.

How the hell did we go from quiet and cordial to being at each other’s throats within two seconds of being alone?