Page 143 of Violence

Emily has no idea, which makes her a damn sheep purposely walking into a pack of wolves to have anything to do with him.

“I have no plans. I’m not hiding anything. I told you all there is to know.”



And lie again.

I’ve been doing a lot of that lately.

“I went and saw her.”

Rage crawls through my body...but not surprise. I’m going to have to chain Damon down to keep him away from Em.


“Last night.”

“And what? You fucked her?”

If he says yes, I’ll break his jaw. It’s that simple.

I’m not entirely convinced Emily isn’t playing us against each other. Regardless of her insisting she doesn’t want to come between us. She fucked us both in high school, and while, yes, that was allowed back then, I’m sure as hell not okay with it now.

“Would it matter? You said you’re done. That you can’t stand her.”

“I also don’t fucking trust her,” I bark, my voice echoing out so that I’m sure everybody standing around here heard it.

He only grins and pulls away from my hold.

“You gave her up, Ezra. Don’t fucking forget that. She might have made promises to you a long time ago, but don’t think that means anything now.Yougave her up. It doesn’t mean I have to. Or that I will.”

He storms off without another word, and I choose not to chase him down. Not in front of everybody, and certainly not with Tanner and Gabe staring at us like they’re putting together a complicated puzzle.

I don’t need another family meeting with those assholes. Not when the last time they had one about us, they tied us down to have it.

Dust kicks up in my path as I make my way back to the cars, lean against the SUV where I was standing previously and cross my arms.

“Damon’s fine. He said he’s annoyed with how long this car shit is taking.”

Five sets of eyes stare at me, but it’s Priest that breaks the silence.

“That’s the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever heard in my life.”

I glare at him.

“Just get the Jeep done so I can get the fuck out of here.”

It pisses me off that Damon won’t let Emily go.

Mostly because it means I won’t be able to let her go either.

Not that I was planning to in the first place.


Three days away from the insanity in my life has been heaven. I can’t lie about that.