Page 9 of Raylan & Winona

I am pulling up in what feels like seconds and walking through the door. “Ah. There he is the man of the house. The son born of my womb who doesn’t think his family has the right to know he is getting married.” Dear God. Looks like time is up.

Not responding to her dramatic comment, I walked over to her and kiss her on the cheek. “Mother.” She looks at me from the corner of her eye. I keep looking around trying to see if I can see Winona, but she is nowhere in sight.

“I sent your bride upstairs. She looked like she was being strangled to death.” I bet. “Go ahead and go to her. Freshen up. I am making your favorite for dinner. It will be ready in half an hour.” Nodding, I walk up the stairs and open the bedroom door. Not sure what I am going to find but I see her sitting on the bed.

“Hey kitten.” She looks up and smiles tentatively at me. “What are you doing up here?” She looks down then back up.

“Getting out of your moms way.” I touch her cheek and smile.

“This is your home, baby. Not hers.” I hold my hand out to her and she looks before grabbing it. “Let’s get changed and go downstairs.” Nodding she goes into the closet and comes out in an off the shoulder sweater and leggings. I cue in on her bare feet and without any words I walk over to our dresser and pull out a pair of fuzzy socks. I kneel in front of her, looking into her eyes and I see the glow of love on her face and I kiss her foot before sliding them on her feet.

I kiss each inch of her as I stand up, ending on her soft sweet lips. She opens for me like the perfect dance we have done numerous times, but this one is different. I sense something has changed in her. “Do you think she will like me?” She whispers, biting her lip. Her eyelids flutter as she looks at me and I am once again transfixed by her beauty. Damn I’m a lucky man.

“How could she not, baby. And guess what, even if she doesn’t, I don’t care. You are my wife and my life, kitten. No one will come between us.” She smiles slightly before squeezing my hand.

I lead her down the stairs into the kitchen just in time to see my mother beginning to set the table. I step forward to offer help but Winona squeezes my hand once more and shakes her head. Nodding, I watch her square her shoulders and walk up to my mother. “Can I help you with something?” My mom turns and gives her a once over in only a way someone from the south can do before answering her.

“Why yes you can. Can you grab the gravy on the counter and bring it to the table.” My wife does as asked before walking to the eating area. We of course are in the formal dining room, a room she and I never use but my mother wouldn’t be caught dead eating anywhere else in the house.

Like the gentleman I was raised to be, I pull my mothers chair out for her before doing the same for my wife. Winona is used to that because that is something I will always do for her. “This looks great mother.” I compliment her on making my favorite etouffee.

“I should hope so. I have only been making this for you since you were a boy.” Smiling, we all dig in in silence, but I am not fooled. My mom is biding her time and when her fork hits the plate I know that time is now. “So are you going to introduce me properly to your bride?”

“Of course. I just didn’t want to overshadow this delicious meal.” She clicks her tongue at me not buying my answer. Sighing I get on with it. “Mother this is my wife, Winona Nicole Morris. Winona, this is my mother, Charlotte Marie Morris.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you.” My kitten says, her voice shaky and low.

“I wish I could muster up the appropriate amount of enthusiasm but considering my son has kept you a secret I can only be affronted.” My ire begins to rise at her tone of voice when speaking to my wife. I mentally remind myself she is my mother but I am only going to take so much.

“I understand your disappointment at not being a part of the ceremony, however you know how it goes here. Everything is quick and simple.” She gasps for a moment before putting her hand to her chest.

“Raylan Jefferson Morris, please do not tell me you fell prey to this mail order nonsense?”

“I didn’t fall prey to anything. I chose it this way and I chose her.” Winona looks at me, her eyes watering it pushes me to my breaking point. Before I can say anything she turns to my wife.

“Tell young lady, what is your family name? Where are your people from?” I can feel her hand quivering in mine and I know that question alone is killing her.

“That is enough. You will not come into our home and question my wife like she is somehow beneath you. Where she is from matters not. It is only that her place is now with me. You can either get on board or leave and do not return.” I expect all types of indignation but instead she smiles and nods her head.

“Excellent. You love her. That is all that matters. Well congratulations to you two and welcome to the family Winona.” Both of our mouths drop open before we fall into laughter. Leave it up to my mother to put on a production to get to a simple answer. Only in the south.



Two Weeks Later

My stomach has been in knots all day for a number of reasons. One of which is the test I am holding in my hand, in the middle of Lady Hollow’s bathroom waiting to see if the word ‘Pregnant’ pops up.Knock. Knock.

“Are you alright in there?” Rachel calls from the otherside of the door. Taking a deep breath I open the door and shake my head.

“I am freaking out to be honest.” I tell her wringing my hands together. Nodding sympathetically she pulls me from the room and we sit on the chair in her room.

“Tell me why. Do you not want kids?”

“Oh it's not that. I want kids more than anything. It's just..well we haven’t been married that long and I don't know I feel like it might be too soon.”

“Ah.” She says nodding her head. “Let me ask you something and feel free to tell me to mind my own business. But have either of you used anything?” It takes me a moment to figure out what she was asking me.