Page 3 of Raylan & Winona



“Mayhem stop it.” This cute wiggly little puppy is a handful but he is so adorable. He is barely a year old and one would think he would be one of the firsts out the door, but it seems when people see him, they bolt. See he is a blue pit and as cute as they are, they scare people. It makes no sense to me. Any idiot knows it is not the dog that is evil but the people raising it

“Noni are you going to stop playing with that furball and help me?” Smiling, I put Mayhem back in his kennel and walk over to my friend Tommy. “I am starting to get jealous.” he says, winking at me. I know he is joking but it still makes me blush. He is one of the only people I can be myself with. Well at work anyway.

“Well if your face was less wrinkly and more like his I would be giving you attention too.” I tease back, giggling while I unload the supply of pet food that came in. He chuckles and shakes his head. Tommy is a forty-year old drag queen by night, but by day he owns this place. He often jokes that the makeup has made him age.

“I don’t get you.” He says, shaking his head. “Here you are sassy, funny, and so open. Step outside that door and you close up faster than a working girl under arrest. What gives?” I look at him contemplating answering his question because it is a valid one and one I struggle with everyday, but I am saved by the chime above the door. I don’t stop stocking until I hear Tommy’s voice. “Lady Hollow. What brings you here?” Standing I turn and smile at Rachel who then turns to Tommy.

“How many times have I told you not to call me that? I am not royalty or in some British monarchy. My husband is just the Mayor of a small town.” She is so modest and even though her words are true, she has no idea how much of a big deal it is.

“Precisely. Just like every man in power there is a lady that sits beside him and she too should have a title. Heck the wife of the president gets am acronym, hello..FLOTUS.'' We both break into giggles. Rachel nods and wipes laughing tears from her face.

“Point taken.” he nods, satisfied that he has won and returns to work.

“So what’s up, Lady Hollow.” I enunciate the title making her roll her eyes.

“How are you, Winona?” Smiling, I open my arms and look around the room.

“I am doing great. Just trying to get these buggers fed and out for some playtime.” She regards me for a moment, moving her head to the side.

“It never ceases to amaze me how much of a different person you're in here than out there.” She points behind her to the outside.

“Tell the truth and shame the devil.” Tommy hollers out giving his two cents.

“Shut up old man.” I call back, covering my chuckle with my hand. I hear him scoff because he hates being called that. “Rachel?” I call her name again hoping she can get to the point. I don’t want to be rude but we really do have a lot to get done today.

“I am sorry. I don’t mean to hold you up but I was sent here by my husband to tell you that you have been matched.” Holy cow. Hearing her say it out loud is unreal.

“W-what?” She gives me her reassuring smile.

“Yeah I said the same thing. I didn’t realize you went through with completing the ad.” I nod unable to speak right now. “Listen, I know you have a lot going on and sometimes we do things impulsively. If you are not sure or don’t want to go through with it, I can tell Lloyd to forget about it.” I think that would be best. I don’t know what I was thinking when I did that except that I didn't want to be lonely anymore. Mind made up, I aim to say just that but then something peeks into my mind like a slight ripple through delicate fabric.

“Do you know who it is with?” She looks like she doesn’t want to say anything and then she takes a deep breath.

“Dr. Raylan Stets.” Sweet mother of God. The moment she says his name my body begins to hum. That man has starred in every last one of my sexual awakening moments since I first laid eyes on him.

“Dr. Raylan. It’s Dr. Raylan?” She nods looking at me curiously.

“It’s ok Winona. I will tell Lloyd..”

“NO!” I shout louder than I mean to. “I mean no, it’s fine. I completed the ad and I intend to see it through.” Heck yes I want to see all of this through. But then a little voice says, ‘what if when he finds out it is you he changes his mind?’ I don’t realize I said this out loud until Rachel responds.

“Trust me. He won’t.” What is that supposed to mean?



It is in the middle of the day and when I should be in my office working on files and preparing for my large animal home visits, I am instead in my car driving to Charleston. When I got the word less than thirty minutes ago from Lloyd that his wife had spoken with my girl and told her the news, I canceled all of my appointments, sent my assistant home and jumped right in my car. Now as I pull up to the animal shelter she works in I can’t stop the incessant knocking of my heart against my ribs. Right there on the other side of that glass door, is my wife. My future. My fragile little kitten. My hands ache with the need to hold her and protect her. Want to cradle her in my arms and let nothing and no one near her, especially while she is in my arms riding my cock. “One step at a time asshole.” I chide both my mind and my swollen cock.

Walking in the chime above the door sounds and then I am hit with the melody from the angels. “Welcome to the Charleston Animal Shelter. Be right with you.” She practically sing songs from somewhere in the back. In tandem my heart and cock begin to drum‘Mine’over and over. I am so busy squeezing my shaft trying to temper his fever, his base need to claim her right now that I don’t hear her walk in until her voice engulfs me. “How can I help..” I turn to look at her and the gasp she releases soothes the beast in me. Seems she is just as affected,

“Hello sweet girl.” Like a zombie I stare into her eyes and move closer to her. “Are you going to breathe baby?” I am close enough to touch her cheek and by God that is what I do. “So fucking beautiful.” I whisper.

“Hi..hi.” She squeaks out licking her bottom lip. Fuck I want to suck that into my mouth and devour it.