Page 4 of Raylan & Winona

“I hear you’ve spoken to Rachel?” She merely nods but her eyes stay locked on me. “Do you still want to do this?” Once again she nods and I release the last remaining doubt that I had. “That's good baby because I waited for you and only you.” I wait for the realization to sink in and when it does her eyes glisten but they also brighten.

“You’re not saying..I mean you don’t mean..?” She can’t seem to finish the question but I know what she is asking. I nod my head and pull her closer to my body.

“That is precisely what I am saying kitten. I requested to be matched with you only.” I can see a million questions going through her head, all of them valid but none of the answers would have stopped me. Instead of saying anything I pull the ring from my pocket that has been burning a hole in it since I met her. “Give me your hand.” Like the obedient little kitten she is, she lifts her hand. When I slide the three carat traditional diamond on her finger and kiss it when it is placed I can hear the rapid breaths leaving her body. “This never comes off, do you understand? This will be anchored by the last piece proving to everyone you belong to me. Say you understand.”

I am so fucking anxious to hear hr say the words. To have her confirm she is mine and mine alone. “I understand.” She says so softly I almost miss it. “What if I hadn't?” I lift her chin because I didn’t catch that.

“What did you say?” She licks her lips and looks up at me. The rubberband holding me back is barely holding on and those shiny saliva covered lips is what is going to make me snap first.

“What if I hadn't filled out the ad?” Ah, I see.

“Then I would have found another way, kitten. Make no mistake, one way or another, even if the rules had to be broken, you were going to belong to me and that would never be undone.” Never.



I can’t stop looking at this gorgeous ring long enough for my mind to soak up all of the information he has just dropped on me. The light in the shelter bounces off the rock currently decorating my hand and I can't help thinking no one would miss it. “Do you like it?” My head shoots up at the how for a split second is voice sounds unsure. Smiling, I look down once more and nod my head.

“It’s stunning. Breathtaking is more like it.”

“Good. That is why I picked it. It reminded me of you. Traditionally beautifully but also unique in its quiet elegance.” My gosh he knows how to make me blush.

“Are you saying you bought this just for me?” Surely not. I mean he had to have had it already for whoever his bride was going to be. Right?

“Yes. The day we met, I knew it was you. I bought it the next day.” Shocked, I stumble back a bit only to wind up in his arms as he grabs me to stop me from falling.

“I don't understand why?” I am certainly nothing special.

“It’s simple. You belong to me. I felt it here,” He places my hand on his chest. “And here.'' He adjusts his cock and grinds it against me. I try to smother the moan building inside of me, but it slips out in a squeak. “The things I am going to do to you, kitten.” Holy moly. The heat in here just went up a hundred degrees. My mouth feels so parched, dry and in need of.. The thought is not out of my mind when his mouth comes down on mine. Startled, I open my mouth in shock but it is all the invitation he needs. “I knew you would taste like a sundae.” he says against my mouth before his tongue slides inside of it.

Floating somewhere outside of my rational mind, I don’t realize I have a death grip on his coat, anchoring myself into him, practically trying to climb him like a tree. So many emotions and feelings flowing through me but the dominant one right now is pure unadulterated lust. I try to keep up with his dancing tongue, its movements deliberate and seductive. My own inexperience is more evident but he doesn’t seem to mind.

Every nerve ending in my body is firing at this moment. His hands have moved from the small of my back to my ass, cupping each cheek, gripping them like he is testing the weight or stopping someone from removing them from his hands. “Raylan.” I whisper his name when his mouth moves down to my neck.

“Jesus I need to stop right now. I need to wrench myself away from you so I don’t take you up against that window and prove to everyone out there you are mine.” Whoa. Those words sent chills of thrills through me. My body shivers from the imagery and the absolute surety that he would do just that, but I also sense a jealousy in him. A possessive edge like the men in a ChaShiree M. or M.K. Moore book and if I am right, unless he is a drug lord like Dario, there is no way he would ever allow someone to hear me or see in the throes of an orgasm. “Fuck.” He bites my limp once more then pulls back from me. I am shaken, out of breath and so achy and throbby that I refuse to loosen my grip on his coat. “I know kitten. I know, trust me.” he kisses my forehead before placing his own on mine. “I knew you would be like this.”

“Like what?” I ask him, still barely able to form words.

“Like a fuse waiting to be lit. I knew you would explode in my arms and turn into a greedy little thing. God I can’t wait to have you naked, begging for it.” Crap. If my soaked panties are any indication neither can I. “But you will be my wife when it happens. When I spill your virgin blood on the brand new white sheets I purchased just for the occasion, you will already be Mrs. Morris. Now tell me baby, do you want a wedding?”

That is an easy question. Like all girls when I was younger I wanted all of the frills and fancy. But now having no one to invite and no family, I don’t care about any of it. “No.”

“Good. I will call Lloyd. We will be married tomorrow.” With that he kisses me and walks out. Holy hell. That was intense. I lean over the desk and place my hand on my racing heart. Tomorrow. That isn’t going to come fast enough.

* * *

I lied. It is already tomorrow and I feel like it was just a few hours ago that he came to me but in fact it was almost twenty-four. “Are you sure about this?” Rachel asks, helping me put on my dress. Her sisters are here as well. They have formed a sort of group called the Wives Welcoming Committee, the WWC. Apparently Rachel is working on getting it ratified and made official so they can use town funds to help the wives being brought here.

“Yes. I’m sure.” She nods and zips up the back for me.

“I see he wasted no time coming to you yesterday, huh?” Her smirk suggests all things salacious and it helps to calm my nerves just thinking about the kiss we shared. If you can call that just a simple kiss.

“Did you know he requested me specifically?”

“Yes. My husband told me.” I figured.

“When you brought the idea up to me did you know then?” She nods. I can see guilt cross her face so I place my hand on hers to assure her. “I am not upset. I may not know you but I know how much you look after everyone. I figured you were trying to not make me feel pressured. Right?