Page 10 of Holiday Grief

“Sorry, I was going to ask you about it,” he explained. “She’s been insisting she wants to learn to play as well as you.”

In this moment, she would give this special little girl anything she wanted. This sweet child was healing some of Jasmine’s old wounds, and she didn't even know it.

* * * * *

February 8th

7:47 P.M.

He was early, but he couldn’t wait any longer.


His patience had won out, and Jasmine had agreed to go on a date with him.

Adam couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as he gathered the bouquet of flowers he’d picked up on the way here, along with the picnic basket he’d packed, and climbed out of his truck. Since Jasmine was more than a little wary about leaving her property, he thought they’d do something here for their first official date.

Even before he got to the front door, he could hear Fauna yapping excitedly. Getting that puppy for her, a spur-of-the-moment decision when his friend was talking about the little German Shepard who flunked out of his class, had turned out to be one of the best he’d ever made. The puppy was devoted to Jasmine and had taken a real shine to Claire as well, which was perfect because if he played his cards right the four of them might be a family one day.

It might be crazy to think that far into the future when he and Jasmine were only just about to have their first date, but if he wasn’t seriously interested, he wouldn’t have been building a foundation these last nine months.

Besides, when he’d met his wife, he’d known from that very first moment that they were going to wind up together. Why should things be any different this time around?

Knocking on her front door, it took barely fifteen seconds for her to answer, and when she did his jaw dropped open in shock.

Usually, Jasmine dressed for comfort: jeans and a sweater if it was cold, jean shorts and a tank top or T-shirt if it was hot, but today she looked like she’d just stepped off the cover of a fashion magazine. Instead of in a ponytail like usual, her long hair hung down her back in a mass of golden waves. She’d added a little mascara and eyeshadow making her green eyes practically glow like emeralds. Her charcoal gray dress hugged her slender body, and the knee-high black boots emphasized her long, lean legs.


“Umm, hi,” Jasmine said, and he realized he’d been staring.

“You look gorgeous,” he told her, then held out the bouquet. “These are for you. And this,” he bent down and held out a bone to Fauna, “is for you.”

Fauna took the bone and gave him a tail wag as she trotted off to eat it.

“Thanks for the flowers, they’re beautiful,” Jasmine said.

“You're beautiful.”

She blushed adorably, and her hands self-consciously smoothed at the skirt of her dress. “I wasn’t sure what to wear because you didn't tell me where we were going.”

“We’re not going far.”

“Should I change then?”

“Don’t you dare. But you will need your coat,” he added.

After quickly putting the flowers in a vase and kissing Fauna goodbye, she met him by the door. When he held out her coat for her, she slipped her arms through the sleeves, and when his hands trailed down her arms, and he clasped one of hers she didn't pull away.

Adam loved it when she let him touch her.

He knew exactly what level of trust he had earned when she allowed him to put a hand anywhere on her body. They hadn't known each other before her assault so he had no past to count on, everything he’d worked hard to earn from her had been work. Enjoyable, but he’d known he had to take his time, be patient, always keep in mind what she’d been through, and make sure not to push her too hard and freak her out.

Now she was allowing him to take her on a date and hold her hand. One day, when she allowed him the privilege of kissing her, he’d be over the moon.

Baby steps though.

That’s what he reminded himself as they walked outside into the crisp evening. Spring might still be officially over a month away but the weather the last few days had been pleasant. Didn't mean there wouldn’t be more snow coming, but for now, it was nice to enjoy the milder weather.