“Well, now you know better.” His face broke into a huge grin. “I have something for you.”
“What do you mean?”
Adam laughed, a free, joyful sound that stirred up memories of the past, of when she used to be that carefree.
Felt like a lifetime ago.
“What do you think someone means when they say they have something for you?” he teased, coaxing a smile out of her. “Come on.”
When he held up his hand to her, she stared at it.
He wanted her to hold his hand?
To touch him?
The thought sent a wave of icy dread washing over her, her entire body rebelling at the thought of physical contact.
But he didn't hurry her.
Didn't push.
Simply stood there with his hand out waiting. Leaving the ball in her court. She could take his hand, or walk past him, and she knew he wouldn’t mind, wouldn’t make her feel bad or stupid for not being ready for human contact yet.
For some reason, the very fact that he wouldn’t force her to do anything she didn't want to do was the thing that had her inching closer. Her hand lifted slowly, trembling as it did so, and with almost excruciating slowness, she placed it in his.
As soon as she did his fingers curled loosely around hers, warm and strong. Instead of making her feel panicky, it filled her with a sense of security she had been so badly lacking for such a very long time.
Tugging her along with him, Adam led her outside to where his truck was parked. Emanating from the vehicle was a yapping sound that reminded her of a puppy.
Jasmine cocked her head and watched with interest as Adam released her hand, opened the back door of the car, and lifted out a crate.
The yapping was much louder, and she could see a tan and brown body wiggling excitedly inside.
“You got a dog?” she asked.
“Nope.” Adam opened the crate door and just managed to grab hold of the wriggling bundle of energy. “I got her for you. Her name is Fauna, and she’s four months old. She flunked out of her police training course and she needs a home. She’s sweet and affectionate, she’s potty trained and knows all her basic commands, and her trainer promised that if you want to continue to train her, he’ll help. She’ll make a good guard dog. She just doesn’t like big crowds so she can't do police work. She needs someone to love her and take care of her, and I think … maybe you need that too.”
Truer words had never been spoken.
It had been so long since she’d been loved.
Even longer since she’d had someone to take care of her.
Once upon a time she’d had that, but she’d thrown it away for a man she believed had loved her.
She’d been so very wrong.
Now as she reached out and took the puppy into her arms and was immediately rewarded with a wet kiss to the cheek, Jasmine realized how very much she’d missed it.
* * * * *
August 24th
10:52 A.M.
This was likely a very bad idea.
Okay, scratch that. There was no likely. It was definitely a bad idea.