Life's a funny thing, isn't it?

I used to feel so lost. Not being able to read well does that to a person. It's a shameful secret I've carried my whole life. I've felt less than and scared that one day everyone will find out, and I'll be judged, laughed at, ridiculed.

But now look at me.

I can read, and I've found the most perfect man in the world.

The man I want to marry and, who knows, maybe have a ton of kids with one day.

The man I want by my side forever.

It won't be the most exciting life. No action-packed, city glitz here. But it will be a life filled with love. Reading. Birdwatching. Swims in the river and hikes through the mountains.

And love.

Nothing but my loyal, unwavering love for him. I'll never hurt him, and for as long as I draw breath, I'll do everything in my power to keep him safe.

Not because he needs protection, but because I truly believe that's what I was put on this earth to do—to treat my nerdy, ginger PJ like the king that he is.



"Are you sure he's not going to murder me with his bare hands?" Trevor whispers nervously beside me as the automatic doors pull apart and my sexy mountain man boyfriend strides in.

"He won't kill you with his bare hands," I assure my boss. "He'll most likely use his gun."

Trevor recoils in horror.

"I'm kidding. We've spoken about it, and he's okay with you. Really. Besides, you're doing him a favor. Relax. It'll be fine."

Yeah, it'll be finenow.

It took a lot of convincing on my part for Branum not to want to throttle Trevor anymore. The whole date-bet thing really was a silly misunderstanding. Branum gets fiercely protective of me, and I had to convince him Trevor's intentions weren't malicious, he just wanted to see us get together. It's all water under the bridge now.

Branum and I are together.

We're in love.

And that's all that counts.

Branum reaches the front counter and dips his head in greeting. "Trevor."

"Hi, how are you?" Trevor's voice comes out higher than normal. "Greattoseeyouagain!" He's also talking a million miles an hour.

My sexy mountain man appraises my boss for a moment before offering the poor bastard a friendly smile. "We're cool, man. I've got no one to blame but myself for not making a move on PJ sooner. I know you didn't mean anything malicious by saying what you did."

"So, I won't have my face plastered all over milk cartons as a missing person?"

Branum chuckles, extending his arm. "You won't."

They shake hands.

"And also," Branum adds. "Thank you for today. It's been something I've wanted to do since the first time I came here."

"Isn't that me?" I giggle, inserting myself cheekily into the conversation.

Branum chuckles. "It most definitely is. You're the first thing I wanted to do. This…" His eyes travel over the library. "Is the second."