He nods, a lock of red hair falling across his forehead.

"Because I thought to myself, why would a smart, beautiful, intriguing guy like you be interested in a dumb lunkhead like me who can't even read properly?"

"Branum!" PJ lifts his hand. "If you ever call yourself dumb again, so help me god, I'll… I'll…" He looks around, like he's trying to find the right word. "I'll hit you."

"You will?"

"Gah, no. Hit is the wrong word. I'm not a violent pers—"

I quirk a brow. "Can I choose where?"

"Where what?"

"Where you hit me."

PJ chews on his lip, looking like he’s trying not to smile. "This isn't funny."

"You're right. It's not. I apologize for being a coward and not asking you out earlier, and I'm truly sorry for not being upfront about my conversation with Trevor. I didn't tell you because I was planning on asking you out anyway. He just gave me a much-needed push in the right direction, but I can see how it looks, and I hate that I've made you feel bad, baby. That's the last thing I want. I'm so sorry."

PJ shuffles down the couch and brushes his hand through my beard. "It's okay."

"You sure?"

He looks up at me with his mixed-colored eyes and nods. "I believe you. Thank you for explaining everything and for not making me feel like even more of a fool than I am."

"You're not a fool. You had every right to be upset."

"I guess… I guess I still can't believe someone like you would even be remotely interested in—

"Finish that sentence…" I grab his wrist, easily enclosing it in my fingers. "And I will hit you."

PJ grins impishly. "Do I get to choose where?"

"Always, baby," I answer with a grin.

He nuzzles into my neck as I stroke his back. "But in all seriousness, I want you to know I'll never hurt you deliberately, PJ, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I don't hurt you undeliberately, either. Is that a real word? Undeliberately?"

He shrugs. "Let's go with it. I know what you mean."

"Are you really okay?"

"I am." He sits up again. "Is there anything else you haven't told me?"

"No. I swear. That was the only thing. Well, actually…"


"There is one other thing I might not have mentioned."

"What?" he says again, slower this time.

"It's a little…awkward."

"Branum." His voice turns serious. "You can tell me anything. I won't judge you."

"Okay, well, in that case…" I try to suppress my smile. "I've always wanted to have sex in my office with a cute ginger, birdwatching geek. It's one of those bucket list things." I can't hold it in any longer, and a chuckle escapes out the corner of my mouth. "You know anyone that matches that description?"

PJ is on my lap as quick as lightning. "Actually, I do."