
My heart beats heavy in my chest as I absorb the magnitude of what's about to take place.

I've had sex before, but something tells me this time is going to be unlike any other time.

Because of who it's with.

I'm staring into PJ's beautiful mixed-colored eyes, so wrapped up in him, savoring the taste of his cock and his mouth on my tongue, when I suddenly realize something. "Shit."

"What is it?"

"We don't have supplies."

He smirks, reaching over for his khakis and producing something from the back pocket. "Yes." He hands me a condom and three small square packets of lube. "We do."

I let out a relieved laugh. "I could freaking kiss you."

"You'll be doing more than that, mister." PJ laughs, too, then looks around. "Wait. This is totally private property, right? No one can…see us?"

"We're one hundred percent secure here," I tell him. "The only people who ever trespass are super cute, super nerdy, and super neurodivergent librarians, and by my count, Thickehead only has one of those."

He laughs again, and the sound infiltrates my body all the way to my bones. I love making him happy. I love making him moan and feel good. And I have a feeling I'm going to love fucking the life out of him.

PJ lies back down, and I scooch down so I'm closer to his ass. His eyes drift down to my cock.

He gulps. "You have a really big dick."

"I'll be gentle, baby. I promise. We can stop at any time."

He nods and shoots me a look that conveys that he trusts me…or at least that's what I'm reading it as.

"First, I'm going to prep you using my fingers," I say as I begin running some quick math in my head. I've got three packets of lube. Ideally, I'd like three tubs of the stuff, but beggars can't be choosers. I can't even dash back to my cabin, because yeah, it's been that long, and I don't have any supplies. At least one of us was smart enough to think ahead.

"Once you're ready, we'll move on to the next part."

"You mean your cock?"

I smile. "Yes, my cock. Now, before we get started, do youneedanything?"

He shakes his head, never taking his eyes off me. "No. I feel perfectly…balanced."

I smile. I'd been trying to make sure I was as even as possible in all of my movements. "Good. But if that changes, you just let me know, okay?"

"I will."

I tear open the first packet of lube and work a finger in… Then a second… Finally a third.

"Ahhhh…" He sighs, breathing in slowly and evenly as I stretch him out.

"You're doing so well, baby."

"I think I'm ready."

I give a nod. "Yeah. I think you are, too."

I used two packets of lube, leaving just the one for this part, but I thought it was important to get him as prepared as I could.