He pulls back, holding my face firmly in his hands. "I want you to fuck me."

"Here? Now?"

He grins. "Yes and yes… If you want to."

"Of course I do, it's just…"

"Just what?"

"I need to ask you this. Are you a virgin, PJ?"

A splash of color ignites his cheeks. "I am."

He lowers his head, and I latch on to his chin to raise it, to look him in the eyes. "This is a big deal. Are you sure it's what you want?"

"It is."

I let go of his chin, and he tilts his head. "I feel something for you. Something I've never felt before. And I know it doesn't mean that we're going to be forever necessarily, but it does mean that this feels right. I want my first time to be with you."

"I want to be with you, too," I tell him, not bothering to correct him about the one thing he got wrong.

That same instinct I've honed over the years to help me evade danger is now sending me a new message, clear as fucking day—Thisisforever.



I go back to kissing Branum, rubbing myself against him like an animal in heat.

Who am I right now?

I've never done anything remotely this wild before. Then again, I've never felt so consumed by desire before.

This is what I want. What Itrulywant. And I know that even when the heat of the moment dissipates, I won't ever regret what we're about to do.

Heck, I even came prepared. I wasn't sure how things would go after our first-kiss convo, but I'm sure glad I stopped off at the drugstore yesterday and picked up condoms and a few packets of lube.

Branum's hands have been on my ass for a while, but as the kiss becomes more frenzied, he starts kneading my cheeks with his strong hands, inching toward the middle. My hole twitches in response, ready, eager,willingto be opened up for the very first time.

Branum lifts me off him with as much ease as I expected. He doesn't even make a sound or change his expression as he lowers me onto the blanket, making sure my head is supported the whole time. He grabs a small cushion and places it under my head before proceeding to unbutton my floral shirt. Once it's open, heat lights up his dark eyes as he takes me in.

"So fucking beautiful," he growls before descending on my nipple.

"Wow!" Sparks of pleasure fizzle through my body as he laps and nips at one nub, before moving over to the next.

Ah, the perfect balance.

Branum keeps all his movements symmetrical. If he grazes my left arm, he'll do the same to my right. When he brushes his fingers down the left side of my abs, he repeats the movement down the right.

He peers up at me. "Am I doing this okay?"

I could burst with happiness. "Perfect."

He doesn't need to be doing this, and it's not even something I need right now, but the fact that he's going to this effort for me… It only confirms what I knew even more—This is right.

Branum reaches my belt buckle, unclasps it, then threads it through the belt loops and casts it aside.

His thumbs rest on the waistband of my pants, and he looks up with a mischievous grin. "Got a question I've been meaning to ask you."