Page 49 of Unfinished

He took a moment to tamp down his excitement at the thought of her wearing northern finery before he answered her. “Yes. Would you like me to procure a formal Xithilene gown for you?”

“I’d love that,” she told him with a smile. “I know there’s no possibility of me blending in, but I want to look like I at least made an effort so the people here know I respect their culture.”

He led them around the corner of the first ramp to the upper floors. “Between Veesha’s first formal appearance and your arrival at the temple, I believe this will be the most eventful harvest festival in Evathi’s history. They’ll love seeing a daughter of the Lady in our dress.”

He wanted to let his fingers glide over her face, to stop them right where they were so he could let his back hit the wall as he pulled her into his embrace and succumbed to the temptation of her plush red lips. He was a man intoxicated by his woman, and the need to get closer, to drown in her scent, had him half out of his mind.

“R’kash?” Sienna tugged on his arm and frowned. “Is something wrong?”

“Nothing. Nothing at all,” he said, thankful they’d arrived at the last ramp before the residential floor.

By the time they stood in front of his door and he went to open it for her, R’kash was feeling almost dizzy. Heat seemed to be building beneath his scales, like the onset of some sickness, yet he felt anything but ill. He hadn’t been able to force himself to eat during the meal, but saliva gathered in his mouth now, like he’d caught the scent of the choicest meats. If he’d been in a state to think about his condition, he might’ve been alarmed, but his rising hunger easily overpowered any worries.

Sienna stepped past him, looking over her shoulder as she entered his rooms. He breathed deeply, holding in her scent as long as he could before he was forced to exhale. He followed, closing the door behind him. Before he could turn to face her again, Sienna’s hands were already on his arms. She pressed up against his back, and the heat of her body had him gasping as his hips bucked forward. Already he was thickening, and soon he’d be unable to disguise his excitement. The trousers he’d chosen that morning were thinner and looser than the formal kilt. She’d know how weak he was for her touch the instant he faced her.

“R’kash.” The way she uttered his name had his muscles tensing as if she’d drawn her fingertip down the bare scales covering his spine. His eyes slid closed as his rattle sang freely. “I’ve been waiting all day to touch you like this.”

Her hands weaved between his arms and waist, stroking over his sides and under his jewelry like she couldn’t get enough of him beneath her palms. His scales were alive with sensation, a tingling, buzzing feeling that made it impossible to remain still. He needed more.

R’kash slid his hands over hers and guided them to clasp his shoulders and his chest, had her press her palms down the line between his abdominal muscles, and smooth the disordered fabric of his trousers so that she could feel his hard thighs beneath. He wanted to make sure she knew exactly what she was getting when she teased him with her delectable scent and the honeyed softness of her voice.

“Turn around,” she whispered.

His teeth chattered, and the tips of his fangs scratched across his lower lip. What unholy fire possessed him? This was more than normal desire, than the expected hunger of av’ith—a virile male—for his lady. He released her hands and stepped forward before he turned and pressed his back against the door.

Sienna walked over to him, her hips swaying side to side. He was grateful for the support of the sturdy wood behind him. She had but to move to leave him weak and wanting. She set one hand over his stomach and walked her fingers up and over his chest, not stopping until she held his jaw and tipped his head down.

“Last night was wonderful, but tonight I want more,” she told him.

How could his mouth be so dry, yet his lips so wet? He could smell the coppery tang of his bloodied lip, but when he swiped the tips of his tongue over it, he tasted sweetness. He slapped his palms against the door behind him and let his fingernails dig into the wood.Venom. That was venom on his tongue and sliding down his throat. Venom produced for his mate.

“More?” he asked.

She brushed her thumb over his bottom lip, and it was all he could do not to slide his tongue around it to taste her skin. He could imagine sucking that digit inside his mouth and biting down. What a blessed release it’d be, his fangs sinking deep into her flesh. His feathers snapped up in shock as he realized exactly what he’d just pictured.

“I want to feel you moving inside of me. I want everything with you,” she said as the intoxicating scent of her arousal filled the air between them.

His rattle’s song grew wild and frantic. Her words were meant to ignite, but she didn’t understand. It was his duty to push through the hunger that threatened to overwhelm him and stop her.

“I want that, too.” He wasn’t supposed to say that.

Sienna wrapped her other hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down until her soft mouth met his. He hissed, the points of his tongue flicking rapidly, and she parted her lips to let him in. The slick slide of her broad tongue sent liquid heat spiraling down to his groin. He was fully extruded, rock hard and dripping for her, his vision blurring with the intensity of his desire. She moaned into his mouth, the sound like a caress over his aching cock.

Piercing pain burrowed behind his eyes and nose, and his eyes closed as he groaned. He turned his face away and reached for Sienna’s shoulder as it faded. He felt his gums swelling with the venom and knew he couldn’t delay any longer.

“As much as I want to, I can’t give you that tonight, but I will explain.” He opened his eyes and looked down at her. “Let me take you to the bed. I’m going to call for some chocolate and a med-device, and then I’ll join you.”

Her fiery golden hair was disordered, fine strands sticking up away from the rest. With the lights behind her, it glowed like a star’s corona. Her eyes were no longer so pale, that fresh winter’s morning green—no, not with her pupils so far dilated with desire. Only the most slender ring of green remained. Another wave of pressure had his knees buckling as he pressed against his temples to stave off the stabbing pain.

“Oh my God, R’kash. What’s wrong? You really do need a med-device!”

She fumbled with her shirt, fingers searching for her communication device, but he managed to activate his first.

“Jesthi,” he called, “I need a med-device and two bowls of chocolate brought to my chambers.”

He heard music in the background when Jesthi opened his channel to reply. “A med-device?”

“My venom is coming in,” he whispered.