Loud tapping at the door interrupted their conversation.
“That must be our chocolate. I’ll be right back,” R’kash said. He took a few steps and looked around before snagging his kilt off of the bottom edge of the mattress. He pulled it on and made his way towards the door.
Sienna grabbed the edge of the blanket and carefully sat up, making sure it stayed tucked beneath her arms. She might not feel so shy anymore around R’kash, but none of the other priests needed to get a show that morning. She held the blanket tighter as she suddenly wondered whether Veesha ever came into R’kash’s room in the mornings. Just the thought had her heart rate skyrocketing. Maybe continuing to sleep in the nude wasn’t such a wise idea.
The door closed softly, and R’kash walked back with a large bowl of steaming chocolate balanced in each hand. His fingers were long enough he could easily manage the Xithilene dishes one-handed, but Sienna already knew from experience that it’d take two hands for her to keep from dropping one.
“What are our plans for today?” she asked as R’kash handed her a bowl.
He sat down beside her and took a sip of his chocolate. “They’ll all be waiting for us in the dining chamber. Jesthi brought the chocolate himself.” He glanced at her from the side of his eyes. “He wanted to wish you a good morning, but I told him you weren’t ready for company.”
“Oh, goodness. I haven’t known him long, but I’m guessing he must’ve been pleased when you said that.”
“I can’t remember when I’ve seen him happier,” R’kash replied, using his driest tone.
Sienna bit her bottom lip to keep from smiling and then lifted her bowl. The chocolate was rich and thick, with just a hint of sweetness. “Can you tell me the secrets of Evathi chocolate?”
R’kash’s feathers flicked up. “Since you’ll learn soon enough anyway at the harvest festival, it’s the maize. We make a powder from the starch and add it to our chocolate.”
“Oh, that makes sense. We do that too. Not that I did much cooking, but I’ve at least heard of people using cornstarch as a thickener. What about you? Should I add chef to your list of skills?”
R’kash pointedly took another drink of his chocolate before answering. “No. I can roast meat like any other among us, but I am not a professional food preparer.”
Sienna’s lips curved up behind her mug again. “Can I ask another question?”
“Please do.”
“Do you normally eat the dishes your priests served me yesterday in the courtyard?”
R’kash’s eyebrow rose slowly before his lips twitched with repressed amusement. “I noticed you didn’t eat much.” His fingers tapped the side of his bowl. “My men are very happy that you’ve come to us. They are eager to convince you to stay. I hope you don’t mind their attention. I’m the head priest of Evathi, and that means there is no separating me from the temple and those who serve it.”
“I don’t mind at all. Jesthi called you brother. Are you actually related, or was that just a term of endearment?”
R’kash smiled, a real one this time. “No. I share no blood with anyone here except for Veesha, but the bonds between us are just as strong.”
Sienna smiled back. “I like it. You’re like one big family here. I think Veesha’s lucky.”
“Thank you. It’s been difficult at times. I don’t always know how to act or how to speak to a child. I never anticipated that I’d be raising a daughter. From my perspective, her presence here is an incredible gift, but I’ve worried that she may not feel the same. To lose her mother and home and be delivered to a stranger—it would be no surprise if she weren’t happy.”
She moved closer to the edge of the bed so she could set her hand over R’kash’s arm. “All you can do is your best. If I could easily tell how much you loved her through your messages, I have to believe that she feels it too. She looks happy, R’kash.” Sienna glanced up at his face. “I’m no expert either, but she acts like a happy kid, too.”
R’kash put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. “I hope so.” He rubbed his face in her hair and sighed. “The thought of having you by my side to raise her—I can’t tell you how much better it makes me feel.”
“I’m honored that you see me as someone worthy of being in her life. I don’t want to disappoint you or Veesha. On that note, we should probably finish our chocolate and make an appearance at breakfast. Jesthi and the others are waiting, right?”
“They’ll be expecting us to be late. Enjoy your chocolate, Sienna.” He kissed her hair and his rattle gave off a low, comforting hum.
She turned towards him, tucking her head against his chest. “They told us Xithilene rattles signaled anger, defensiveness, and arousal,” she said.
His hissing laughter filled the air between them. “Often, yes, but sometimes, it just means we’re content.”
She liked the implication.
“I’m happy, too,” she said, and it was true, Sienna realized. This was the kind of intimacy she’d been chasing with Edgar, but had never found. Lazy mornings in bed, casual touches, simple respect and genuine affection, not to mention the sizzling attraction between them—she realized she’d been looking for something like this for a long time.
She raised her chocolate to her lips and took another sip, letting herself just slow down and relax. This definitely felt like a new beginning, and she was planning to savor it.
* * *