He dropped his hand and walked to the bed by memory. He’d done this often enough that he didn’t need to see the bed curtains to find them. He gave the first curtain a quick tug, pulling it down to the foot of the bed. Then he felt his way around to the opposite side and did the same. He put a knee at the end of the bed and crawled back up to where Sienna lay. He was tempted to retreat to the edge of the bed and watch her from over the covers, but then he remembered what she’d told him—she expected to wake in his arms that morning.
R’kash worked his way beneath the bedding, and when he attempted to slide his arm back beneath her shoulders, she rolled right into his embrace, as if her body knew where it belonged even without any input from her conscious mind.
He wished it could be so.
He wished Sienna could truly be his mate.
In the comforting dark of the plains night, it all seemed possible.
Sienna was warm and comfortable.Every limb felt boneless, and she had no desire to move a muscle. Why break the spell when she felt so wonderfully content? Memories from the night before started to replay in her mind. Being with R’kash had been nothing like she’d imagined. He’d been so very intense and eager, yet in the next moment seemingly uncertain and insecure.
Was she disappointed that the evening had ended without leading to more? Well, yes, but she was glad she’d had the opportunity to explore him ahead of time. If he’d just gone ahead and went for it, she probably would’ve been alarmed. His cock was, for lack of a better word, unique.
He didn’t seem to have had any trouble grasping the purpose of her anatomy, but she was still wondering about the function of all the bells and whistles on his equipment. She knew she’d made him feel good, but she still had no idea exactly what the soft spikes on his shaft were for or if there was a reason beyond personal preference for the piercings he had down there. There had even been two slits for ejaculation. She probably should’ve thought about that more closely before diving in to give him a blow job, but she’d already committed, and the look of worship in his dark, fiery eyes had provided plenty of incentive to keep going.
R’kash’s leg shifted, rubbing between her thighs. She felt heat rise to her cheeks. She was all wrapped up in him, his chest beneath her face, his heart beating in time with her own. He moved again and her hips rocked forward, and there was no pretending she was still even half asleep anymore. She opened her eyes, but it was so dark she couldn’t see her own hand held out in front of her. She forced herself not to panic. She just needed to figure out how to open the curtains without disturbing him.
Sienna tried rolling to her back, but R’kash just rolled along with her. She shook her head lightly and grinned, wishing she could see him. She’d bet he looked good in his sleep. All of that tension and stiffness would be gone from his expression. She had to admit that there’d been times yesterday when she’d been intimidated by him. Not exactly scared, but he could definitely come off as cold, and there’d been a few moments where she’d worried she’d made the wrong decision. After last night, though, she felt much better about coming to Evathi. R’kash was obviously more complicated than he appeared at first glance, and she was looking forward to learning all about him.
Suddenly his body went taut against her.
“K’lallsa?” He still sounded half asleep.
Her translator gave her a few options for the gravelly word that’d come from his mouth: beloved one, adored lady, and mate. It was a good sign he was calling her that already, wasn’t it?
“Hey, R’kash. Good morning,” she said softly. “Any chance you could pull back these curtains and bring in some light?”
“Of course. A moment, please.”
His long legs tensed again as he stretched them. Then he brushed his face over her neck, lips pressing softly as he inhaled.
“Your scent is intoxicating, Sienna.” He lifted his head and his fingers trailed briefly across her face before he sat up and shifted off of the bed.
She rolled to her right, eager to soak up the warmth he’d left behind. He moved easily in the dark. She didn’t hear a single stumble or misstep before the main curtain started moving aside and letting in the pale morning light. He’d pushed back his side of the bed curtains, too, but hers were still closed, and it made the bed feel cozy and intimate. The fur had migrated during the night, because it was currently half under her head working as a sort of makeshift pillow.
R’kash walked back towards the bed, his gait easy and fluid. He bent down to the rack where his robe hung from the night before and patted the folded fabric until his fingers closed around something small and black in his palm.
“What’s that?” she asked.
“A communication device for contacting the other priests.” He sat back down and pulled the bedding over his lap before he pressed the face of the button-sized device. “Jesthi?”
“R’kash! May I wish—”
“Not now, Jesthi.” R’kash cut off what sounded like an incoming flood of good wishes. “Lady Sienna and I would like some chocolate. Please have one of the men bring it to my chambers.” He flicked something on the edge of the device and set it aside before glancing up at her. “I don’t usually order my men to bring me morning chocolate, but I believe the occasion warrants it.”
He smiled at her, fiery eyes glowing with appreciation as he took in her no doubt disheveled appearance. Maybe aliens liked bedhead, because he seemed to be one step away from picking up where they’d left off the night before.
“Chocolate in bed sounds wonderful,” she said. Xithilene hot chocolate might not be anything like the sweet indulgent treat she’d had at home, but she’d still enjoyed it when R’kash had served it on the flyer.
“Being in bed with you is wonderful.” R’kash’s feathers lifted slightly, ruffling at the top before they resettled. “Nothing could’ve prepared me for what it’s like for you to be here with me.”
Sienna bent her elbow and propped her head up with her right hand. “I know what you mean. I imagined what it might be like when we were finally together, but I didn’t do a very good job,”
“You’re not disappointed, are you?”
“No. In some ways you’re different than I expected, but not in a bad way. There’s just no way to replicate being with someone in person, no matter what kind of technology you use. I felt like I got to know you so well, but then I stepped off the ship and had to start all over again.”