Chapter Fifteen

“Let’s make sure we’reall clear on our roles,” Karl suggested, a determined glint in his eyes. “We don’t want any confusion when we face Clarissa.”

As they discussed strategy, Bella couldn’t help but feel a shiver of apprehension run down her spine. They were about to confront a formidable ghost with unknown powers, and there was no guarantee that her spell would have the desired effect.

Fiona nodded. “I talk to her first, telling her we know what she did to Rebecca. What she did to her own child’s mother. Maybe I should tell her I’m expecting twins, and I cannot imagine her grief on discovering what she’d done.”

Karl nodded. “Perfect.”

“Then I use my incantation that Layla so generously wrote for me, and I knock her down with moon power.”

“And the rest of us fill in where we can. Layla, be ready to jump in talking about her murders. All right, everyone knows their part,” Karl announced after they had ironed out the details of their plan. “Are you ready, Bella?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” she responded with a shaky smile, feeling her pulse quicken. She glanced at the spell one last time, then carefully rolled up the parchment and tucked it into a protective leather case.

“Let’s go save those women,” Karl said, his voice strong and resolute. The team gathered around Bella, their spirits renewed and their resolve unyielding. Together, they left the bookstore, ready to face Clarissa and rescue the kidnapped women from her sinister grasp.

The full moon hung high above the haunted mansion, bathing its dilapidated facade in a silvery glow. Bella stood outside with her friends, soaking in the lunar light which reflected in her green eyes as she braced herself for the final confrontation with Clarissa. They had devised a plan to utilize the moon’s energy, and as she looked up at the shining orb above, she hoped that it would be enough to weaken the ghost’s formidable powers.

“All right, everyone,” Karl said, his voice steady and filled with determination. “This is it. Once we step into that ballroom, there’s no turning back.”

Bella nodded, feeling her heart pound wildly in her chest. She glanced around at her team members, their faces a mix of fear and hope.

As they approached the grand ballroom, the floorboards creaked beneath their feet, echoing off the decaying walls. Bella clutched the leather case containing the spell tightly in her hand, her knuckles turning white from the pressure.

“Remember, stay focused and stick to the plan,” Karl said, giving Bella an encouraging smile. “We’ve got this.”

“Right,” she replied, trying to sound more confident than she felt. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions, but she knew she needed to remain calm and centered to give them any chance of success.

They pushed open the ornate double doors to the grand ballroom and stepped inside. The room was just as eerie and unsettling as before, with broken chandeliers hanging precariously from the ceiling and shadows shifting ominously along the walls.

“Show yourself, Clarissa!” Karl shouted into the darkness, his voice reverberating through the vast space.

For a moment, there was only silence. Then, the air seemed to grow colder, and a sinister laugh echoed through the room. “So, you’ve returned to try again?” Clarissa’s voice taunted them, her chilling tone causing shivers to run down Bella’s spine.

“Let the women go, Clarissa,” Bella said, her voice shaking slightly but resolute. “This doesn’t have to end badly for you.”

“Ah, dear Bella,” Clarissa replied, materializing before them in a swirl of shadow and cold air. “Always so compassionate and kind. But, I’m afraid that won’t save you this time.”

“Enough!” Karl snapped, anger and frustration evident in his voice. “We’re here to put an end to your reign of terror. Now!”