Page 22 of Yuletide Slay Ride

“You probably should have invested in real security instead of these weak, silly trinkets.”I say, swiping a hand out, knocking one of the idols off the shelf and to the floor.

His eyes widen as he watches it crash.“That was unwise,” he says.“The spirits will be angry.”

I just laugh at his attempt to scare me and turn the tables.But then a draft blows through, and one of the candles goes out.

Parlor tricks.Coincidence.Probably the AC kicking on—though I didn’t hear a unit.I look around for an air vent anyway.

“Brian, maybe we should leave,” Mina says, tugging on my arm.That absolutely will not happen.This loose end has to go, along with any paper evidence that might tie back to us.I know there’s no paper trail around the payment, but there is that fucking master list Benjamin kept.

“Are you kidding me right now?You believe in this shit?”I say to Mina, not taking my eyes off our new target.

“I mean… no… but… I don’t know...maybe…”

“I-I could read your cards,” Benjamin says, clearly attempting to buy more time to live and to sway Mina against me.

“Mina…” I say, “he’s a threat.He’s already proven he can’t be trusted.I don’t do loose ends.You know this.And I’m not going to risk you for this fool.”

“You should have all the information before you make a choice,” Benjamin says.As though tarot cards count as information.

Mina takes her mask off and gives me the puppy eyes.Fuck.I swear.

“Fine, read my cards, but it won’t change your fate.”

I back off of him and remove my own mask as well as the heavy costume.I have a black T-shirt and jeans underneath and easier access to my weapons—exactly what I need with this slippery eel.I watch him carefully to make sure he isn’t going to try some sleight of hand magic trick to gain control of the situation.If he sells so much of that shit, he probably knows how most of it works.

Mina also removes her outer costume.These costumes are fucking hot, and while they felt nice and cozy in the cold winter air, they are much more claustrophobic and stifling indoors.

Benjamin sits at the table and gathers up the tarot cards.They are black with intricately designed hyper real artwork.Pale alabaster nude figures are visible before he turns them face down and shuffles them into the deck.

“I need to add your energy to the cards, so cut the deck,” he says.

I can’t believe I’m engaging in this foolishness.But I cut the deck, trying to figure out what this guy has up his sleeve and how he’ll try to wriggle off my hook.Surely Mina must know we can’t leave this man breathing.That’s the real danger, not his spooky ambiance and fucking tarot cards.

He holds my gaze for a moment, and then draws a card and lays it out on the table.

The Lovers.

I don’t know what any of this means, but, The Lovers seems like a positive card, at least.The second card he turns over is The Devil.

Well, that’s for sure me.No mysteries of the universe uncovered here.

The final card he pulls and flips over… The Tower.

His eyes widen a fraction as he takes it all in.I glance over to Mina and her gaze is riveted to him.Okay clearly The Tower isn’t a good card, but who the fuck cares?They’re just cards.They don’t have any magic powers.They can’t tell your fate or destiny.They’rejustcards.

Benjamin locks eyes with me and says in a way far more solemn and creepy than he should be able to with his life on the line, “Tell her before it’s too late.”

I feel Mina go still beside me.She’s buying this shit.I know she is.I glance down to see she’s unconsciously twisting her grandmother’s ring on her finger—the one she was told has protective power.

Benjamin’s proclamation is exactly the kind of vague bullshit you’d get in a fortune telling tent.No clairvoyance required to set ambiance, pull out some cards, and say something that sounds almost wise.He assumes I have some sort of secret and is just trying to sow discord so he can barter with Mina for his life.Not a giant leap to make with a sequence like: The Lovers.The Devil.And The Tower.

“Oh yeah?How about we read your cards and see what fate and all the powers that be have in store for you.”

I take the cards from the table, insert The Lovers, The Devil, and The Tower face down on top, and shuffle them.

“Cut the deck,” I say, sneering at him.“It needs your energy.”

I see him swallow visibly now that he’s in the hot seat.He cuts the deck and I pull and flip over the card on top.