Page 11 of Yuletide Slay Ride

Minutes pass as she seems to be trying to come to terms with her fate, or else coming up with a plan for bargaining.Sex in trade for being spared?I don’t think she’s got it in her.She’s far too sweet.If she can’t even give herself to Gabe—the nice one—she certainly would never let my hands sully her.

“Please… don’t do this… you can’t.G-Gabe is my master.”

I laugh.It’s not a mere chuckle but the maniacal cackles of a mad man.Does she think I’m an idiot?I should punish her even harder for lying to me.“Oh, that’s rich.Gabe is your master.I’ve seen no indication of that.You two don’t even talk anymore.But clearly you know that’s the only real protection from me—a collar around that pretty little throat that doesn’t have my name on it.It’s really the only deterrent I’ll listen to.But you knew that.That’s why you avoid me and try to stay in groups.It was a hell of a thing finding you alone with no witnesses around.Gabe is your master.That’s adorable.”

I pick up a metal nipple clamp and slowly and calmly start to unbutton her blouse.She seems dumbfounded that her attempt at magic words held no power over me.And I push back the voice in my head telling me not to hurt her, she’s too much like Mina.I can’t cross this line.But I can’t keep making exceptions.I can’t keep losing pieces of myself to Mina’s influence.I don’t even know who I am anymore.

Finally Julie begins to struggle, pulling at her bonds.Her eyes are wild, and I just can’t enjoy it like I usually do.

“Please!Please!Gabe is my master.I swear it.”Her shrill words come out on choked sobs as the tears I would usually savor move down her cheeks.

I work to keep a sort of sarcastic amusement on my face because I cannot betray that this is actually affecting me.What is wrong with me?I nearly murder Mina, but I’m not sure if I can bring myself to hurt Julie?Everything is upside down.

I put the clamp back on the tray.“All right.Let’s find out.You better pray he confirms your side of things.If he doesn’t, nothing will stop me from the sadistic nightmare I will rain down upon you.And it will only be worse for this lie insulting my intelligence.Given these facts, do you want to alter your story?”

She shakes her head frantically.

I pull a phone from my pocket and click on Gabe’s number from my contact list.“Gabe!It’s your friendly resident psychopath,” I say jovially.

“Yeah, you’re just a big fluffy marshmallow,” Gabe says.

I laugh.If only he knew.“Tell me, is Julie yours?”

“Your guess is as good as mine, man,” he says, sounding both bitter and noncommittal.

“You know what I mean.Is she your slave?She tells me you’re her master.She’s begging and pleading and swearing to it so I won’t hurt her.And I wanted to know if…”

“Don’t touch her.I’ll be there in five.”

“Okay, very well.”I end the call and put the phone on the metal table and sit back in the chair next to Julie’s bound form.“He’s coming down,” I inform her.

She lets out a slow shuddering breath.She’s shaken up, but not as badly as I am.Gabe may get us both out of this performance art.

Less than five minutes go by and I feel, rather than hear, Gabe.I didn’t bother to close and lock the door, so he’s just hovering in the doorway.And he is pissed.

But not at me, it appears.

Julie starts crying again, realizing she still might be in some real danger since Gabe doesn’t appear to be in a cuddly mood at the moment.

“Well, Gabe?Is she yours?”

He doesn’t even look at me.He’s too focused on her.I know they obviously aren’t together.I feel the tension radiating off both of them.This isn’t the scene of a couple reunited.It’s pure ambivalence.

I swivel my chair to study my tools.“Okay, well, until somebody learns how to use their words, I’m going to play.”

Julie flinches as I unbutton her shirt the rest of the way and pick up a small knife from the metal tray.

She panics and again begins to struggle.“Please,” she whimpers.Her plea is directed at Gabe.If only she knew… I’m probably more likely to show her more mercy than he is right now.The kindest trainer in the house is having a hard sharp break with morality, and I’ve suddenly grown a heart.

I use the knife to slice open the front of her bra, then I put it back on the table and pick up the clamp.“Do you know how I know you aren’t really his?I’ve known Gabe for a while now.If you were his, he never would have allowed you underwear.”

I watch both of their reactions.Gabe looks at her for another second, and then turns away.Well, that’s a plot twist I didn’t see coming.I swallow hard around the lump forming in my throat.There’s no way I can just let her walk out of here.Word will get around, and my entire fearful reputation will be destroyed in this house.I’m trying to think of something bad enough that I can do to keep the fear high, but mild enough not to completely break her.

“Master, please don’t leave me with him!”

There it is… the magic word.Gabe stops, his body going rigid.He turns slowly.“Brian, release my property.”

I put the clamp back down on the table and sigh.“If she’s your property, where’s her collar?How am I to know who is protected if they don’t have a collar?”I don’t know why I can’t drop it.Maybe I just want these two crazy kids to end up together.Maybe I’m a twisted romantic at heart.