Page 19 of The Massacre Ball

“It’s not a game,” Brian says. “I bought this worthless little whore, if you can believe it. She’s myactualreal property. I paid five million for her.”

Gregor laughs. “If you paid that much, then she must be worth it.” The thumb of the hand gripping me so tightly begins to caress the side of my throat. “I bet you’re a smooth, slick ride, aren’t you, honey? Maybe I’ll fuck you before I kill you. Would you like that? I’ll make you moan my name while I sink my cock so deep inside you, you’ll forget all about Sloan, here. And who knows… maybe if you’re a good enough lay, I’ll keep you alive for a while.”

I look to Brian, hoping this is all just some kind of ruse to rescue me, but he is a wall of ice, completely shut off to me—emotionless. Surely these words from his rival would soften him, or give me even the tiniest hint that this is all some plan he has.

“Master… please. I swear I didn’t know. I’m yours, you know I’m yours. I love you.”

I’m not sure I’ve ever said these words out loud to him, at least not explicitly. I’ve held them close inside. They have always felt like such foolish words to say to a man like Brian. I know he cares for me… or… I thought he did, but I’m not sure love is a thing he’s capable of—even for me. And especially now, in light of this new unfolding situation.

I’m not sure he can work past the anger and betrayal he feels to get to a rational thought long enough to remember what we are to each other.

Finally he turns back to me and laughs. “It’s a convenient time to address me properly, isn’t it? A very convenient time to express your undying love, when you know you’re about to die. You haven’t really been mine for a long time, and we both know it, Mina.” He practically spits those last words out at me.

I know what he means. His ownership of me has been little more than a performance at the house since I rescued him from Matsumoto’s son at Easter. That feels like a lifetime ago.

The dynamic between us shifted irrevocably. I thought he was okay with it. I thought he was on board and that power flowing back and forth between us in a more balanced way was what he wanted.

Maybe not.

“So, it wouldn’t bother you then if I fucked her right in front of you before I killed her?” Gregor says.

This is not going at all according to his plan. He thought Brian would try to bargain for my life. Gregor no doubt had some big revenge plot playing through his head, but Brian’s cold indifference wasn’t at all what he expected or hoped.

I’m still trying to hold onto the frail hope that this IS some plan to rescue me from a dangerous situation, but if Gregor is buying it, and he’s like Brian, then maybe it’s the truth.

They all turn on me in the end. They all hurt me. I should have known Brian would be no different, but heseemedso different. I thought we had something real, but Brian is a sociopath. I’ve forgotten that fact a thousand times in his arms. He has no soul, no conscience. Everything is a mask, a game to him. He is an actor on the stage of life, perfectly playing his part. But the man who plays the character I’ve grown to love… that’s the man I’m faced with right now, and he isnothinglike the character he plays.

“Not at all,” Brian says. “In fact, we should fuck and kill her together. Put the past in the past.”

My ears are ringing as every piece of his carefully crafted mask slips away and all I’m left with is the monster underneath.

Brian stalks me, his fierce black gaze locked on mine, as though he could consume me and burn me to ashes with only a look.

“Are you ready to take us both like a good little whore? Be good, and maybe he’ll keep you. I’ve certainly got no use for you anymore. You cramp my style.”

Tears stream down my face, and I shudder as Gregor’s other hand begins to drift down my back as the zipper slides down inch by creeping inch.

“Master…” I can’t beg him again because I know it won’t matter. I can’t break past this wall he’s erected between us.

Gregor finally lets go of the back of my neck, as he begins to move his hands slowly over me.

I look to Brian, hoping to see the tiniest flicker of any emotion that exists in the whole gradient of human feelings. But he’s empty. I’ve lost him. I can’t believe I’ve lost this one person I thought I’d have forever.

“Kiss me like it’s your last time, Mina, because it is.” Brian grips the back of my neck and pulls me into him. When our lips touch I feel all the coldness he’s held back from me, but I also feel intensity, passion, fire, anger. There are so many contradicting things inside this kiss, I can’t name them all, and I don’t understand how they all exist together.

The tears flow harder down my cheeks as his… friend? enemy? begins to kiss a trail down my back, and I shudder against the mouth I can’t believe I thought was Brian’s. This one miscalculation will cost me everything.

Then, a moment later, Gregor isn’t touching me anymore. I hear his body slump to the floor. I startle and turn to find an empty syringe in Brian’s hand. It clatters to the ground and he pulls me into him, just holding me, and I can feel his heart pounding against me. My heart beats just as hard, and it’s as though our two hearts are tiny panicked birds, flapping against the walls of our cages trying desperately to get to each other.

“I really thought it was you. I’m sorry, I know it was stupid. I…”

He pulls back from me and all the coldness has dropped away.

“I know, baby. But I once killed the woman he loved. He would have snapped your neck before I reached you. I’m sorry I had to go so cold. It was the only way he’d believe me. Anything less than a perfect show would have gotten you killed.”

I can’t stop crying.

I look up and our eyes meet. “It was a really convincing show,” I say.